These fics are quite simply awesome. :D Could do with bumping up your font size a little bit tho' ;) But other than that I completely enjoyed reading them...very very cool. :)
glad you enjoyed them - and I'm not quite certain how the font ended up on the small side - well after 01 Gauisus Casualis (serendipity) & 02 Clava Atlantus (key to Altantis) - the muse does want to do a bit of delving into the dark side of being on the 'bad side' of the Atlantis expedition military commander and perhaps a surprise reaction or two the happenings in 03 Perennial Adventus (the approaching disaster) - but we'll have to see - the muse can be quite persnickety
Comments 4
Are you gonna continue in the same vein? :D
anyway glad you enjoyed the story(ies) :D
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