(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 21:13

Wohoo! I finished my first ever colorbars! Yay! Plus, some icons too!

(unfortunately, I don't know how to do those text things, so you'll have to host and set up the colorbars yourself. Or tell me how to do it.) Nevermind. Thanks marvin_9martian

[[[Stuff: x8]]]
[[Bleach: x8]]
[Icons: x6]
Ichigo/Ururu x5
Ururu Genocide Mode x1 (Animated)
[Colorbars: x2]
Ichigo/Ururu x2

NONE! XP No one ever said it was necessary! HAH!

Rules: Credit me on icons. Comment if grabbing. Duh.

Ichigo x Ururu is Lesson One love

http://sevetenks.livejournal.com/112860.html">Ichigo x Ururu is Lesson One love

Ichigo x Ururu is schizophrenic love

http://sevetenks.livejournal.com/112860.html">Ichigo x Ururu is schizophrenic love
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