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Comments 46

therosewilde March 2 2006, 19:06:43 UTC
I've read your idiot smiting in CS, and I loved it. I'm always interested in talking to more Snape fans, so I thought I would ask to be friended.



severus___snape March 2 2006, 19:12:30 UTC
Done. Enjoy. :-)


hiseu March 3 2006, 03:02:21 UTC
Your Stories on C_S are great and Snape fans are fare and few. Lord knows we have to convince others that the end of Book Six was NOT him shoing his dark side. I'd like to be consittered for a frending


severus___snape March 3 2006, 03:32:54 UTC
You've been friended. And to answer your comment, the jury is still out for me on Snape's motivation but after reading HBP six times it's become apparent to me that not everything is as it seems right now. Either there's an explanation for it or Dumbledore was a doddering old fool with no ability to judge a person's character which means that you can throw out his opinions about EVERYBODY, including Harry. Not bloody likely.

But for the life of me I can't figure out what that was about without the benefit of book 7.


victoriae77 March 9 2006, 20:25:30 UTC
It's hard to tell Snape's motivation, because we don't see things from his perspective at all. There's just no proof either way of why he did what he did. But I could give my opinion, which will only be what I want to believe.

Also, came this way because of the post on C_S. Friend me so I can read more?


severus___snape March 9 2006, 21:59:42 UTC
That's weird... I thought I had added you previously. Well, I added you again and you're definitely on my friends list now. You shouldn't be held at the gate any longer.


werewolf_lib August 4 2006, 16:14:29 UTC
If only Book Six had been as wicked as your friends-only picture!

{*has many geeky theories about Snape's motivations*}


severus___snape August 4 2006, 16:23:51 UTC
I don't know why there are so many "theories" about Snape's motivations. It seems obvious to me: Snape made a big mistake Making the Unbreakable Vow and that's what he and Dumbledore were arguing over. Snape killing Dumbledore was an understood thing between the two of them and Snape's cover as a Death Eater HAD TO be protected no matter what. I'll be very surprised to learn that I'm wrong about this but I don't think Snape is evil. it took about four reads through to get to that conculsion but I think I'm right...

And book six was "wicked" enough. The Christians create enough of a hullabaloo over these books without them being any more wicked...


werewolf_lib August 4 2006, 17:09:01 UTC
Six honestly bored the daylights out of me, and I don't bore that easily. I thought the writing was sloppy and the usually sparkling characters were flat. I read it twice and that only made it worse. There were some good plot points in there, but they were smothered by the Teen Date-O-Rama (which my teenaged cousins felt was sadly stereotypical of their age group) and finding out what kind of kibble was preferred by Tommy Boy's mother's best friend's sister's pet cat Tigger ( ... )


krina_loves06 August 8 2006, 16:29:31 UTC
A few days ago you commented on a journal regarding "a teacher not knowing the difference between to, two, and too." I just wanted to thank you for noticing that. I was just about to comment on it when I saw yours.


severus___snape August 8 2006, 16:34:12 UTC
LOL... sad, isn't it? And you should see the alumni newsletter I get from my college. It's RIDDLED with spelling errors (which in the age of spell-checking software is just plain LAZY), grammatical errors, run-on sentences, you name it. Oh, they trained us up really well!


jheney44 August 14 2006, 15:24:54 UTC
Your posts in Bad Service are always amusing, you seem to get screwed a lot. Plus you dig HP (specifically Snape) which is just awesome. I'm adding you.


severus___snape August 14 2006, 17:28:34 UTC
Fair enough. I'll caution you that my main journal isn't nearly as entertaining but feel free to peruse my musings about raising an autistic child and my continuing quest to find myself (or at least a job that doesn't involve customer service) to your heart's content. If you're an insomniac, this might be the cure.


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