Did we go back in time?

Oct 30, 2020 16:40

Is it suddenly 2003? I ask because I JUST SIGNED UP FOR THE QUEER AS FOLK CHRISTMAS GIFT EXCHANGE. I am... going to write QaF fic, apparently. WTH? I don't know if I can still find Brian and Justin's voices in my head, but I guess I'll find out ( Read more... )

comm: mini-wrimo, comm: smallfandombang, writing, tv: queer as folk, comm: qaf-giftxchnge

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Comments 17

cmk418 October 30 2020, 21:30:16 UTC

Good for you! I sort of wish the QAF exchange also included the UK version because that's the one I'd be able to write for. I've got a lot on my plate with NaNo followed by Magi so taking anything else on for me would be hard.

Maybe you can write some ficus based on the old TV shows you've been binge watching and turn it into a positive.

Good luck with the writing. I'll be running word wars during the month so stay tuned.


severina2001 October 31 2020, 17:19:04 UTC
Yeah, it would be cool if the comm including both versions of QaF. I know a bunch of people back in the day had watched both. But yeah, I have always found when doing Nano that it consumes me (in a good way?) Between putting in the 1667 words a day and then thinking about it all time and working out random plot points at the weirdest times, there's definitely not time for other fic as well.

Love your idea about making lemonade out of my binge-watching! I've been watching Justified (I'm just starting Season 5, please don't spoil me), and there's several het canon couples and certainly enough backstory between Raylan and Boyd to inspire slash fic, but I'm just not feelin' it. The other show that I JUST found access to is The Block, which doesn't apply. Great idea, though!

I'll keep an eye open for your word wars!


cmk418 October 31 2020, 22:45:58 UTC
I love Justified. Rachel/Tim is my favorite combination. Actually, a case could be made to ship either of those two with Raylan (or maybe a threesome) and that would be fine. There's also Art/Raylan. Boyd/Raylan is probably a little too mainstream for me. And there really should be more Dewey Crowe fic out there.

There was a season that I missed entirely- might have been 5. I thought 2 & 3 were the best though and the final season ends things pretty nicely.

PS- Now you can re-read the Sean Murphy/Tim Gutterson fic I wrote for Murphy appreciation month (takes place pre-Justified so no spoilers) Kentucky


severina2001 November 1 2020, 19:16:39 UTC
I LOVE TIM. He's my favourite, but they use him way too sparingly. I was hoping that once per season they'd do a focus ep on him so we can learn more about what makes him tick, but noooooo. I gotta admit, I don't really love the idea of Tim/Rachel just because they barely interact. I don't see the canon basis for it. Raylan/Art I could see but that's just not aesthetically pleasing to me.

It also helps that I love love love Walton Goggins. I really know him the most from his recurring role in the later seasons of Sons of Anarchy.

I hear somebody moving around in my bathroom, but will be back to read. Wheeee!


craterdweller October 31 2020, 00:07:59 UTC
You've got this! You will demolish miniwrimo :)


severina2001 October 31 2020, 17:19:31 UTC
Oh man, I hope so. Thanks for the support!


mdlaw October 31 2020, 01:52:12 UTC

That's do cool!!


severina2001 October 31 2020, 17:19:56 UTC
Right? Just hope it allllll works out.


tinnean October 31 2020, 10:19:59 UTC
I have very faith you can do the mini_wrimo. Didn't you crush NaNo a few years back with Situation Normal...?

go Sev, go Sev, go Sev!


severina2001 October 31 2020, 17:35:30 UTC
Awww, thanks for being the best cheerleader! Yeah, I've done Nano 5 times, I think. 3 QaF fics (one regular, two zombieverse); 1 True Blood fic; and I'm pretty sure I did a Live Free or Die Hard one as well. Hmmm. Lemme check. OH. Yeah, that was Situation Normal. So yeah, I've succeeded whenever I've done it. BUT that was when I had MUCH better time management and a job that was strictly 8 hours and then go home. LOL

Gotta have faith.


britinmanor October 31 2020, 21:57:44 UTC
Well, I'm so glad I signed in today. This is AWSOME news. I LOVE your writing. Your zombie series was so good, and so was Gold and Silver Shines.
So I'm really looking forward to what you come up with. I know it will be just as good.

Take Care,



severina2001 November 1 2020, 19:17:26 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm hopeful!


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