Movie Log 2013

Mar 24, 2013 18:40

Well, I should be about 12 movies into my goal of 50, if I want to make the goal by the end of the year. Yeah… not so much.

Here's what I've watched in the last little while… )

movie: snitch, actor: jon bernthal, movie: they live, movie: the perks of being a wallflower, movie: the pursuit of happyness

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Comments 13

shadownyc March 24 2013, 22:51:26 UTC
I really need to start watching some more films.


severina2001 March 25 2013, 00:24:39 UTC
I always feel somewhat guilty just sitting there, but I'm trying to get over it!


amelialourdes March 24 2013, 23:29:18 UTC
I always watch Pursuit of Happyness when it's on TV just because I can't resist that kind of persistent, ambitious character with plenty of flaws story. It gets me every time. That scene where they drop his little doll and he's yanking him to the bus and... ugh, all of it. It was so authentic and I always wonder if they'd get away with that kind of intimacy if Jaden wasn't Will's son, you know what I mean? I think their real relationship made Will's portrayal more authentic and really genuine. It's one of my favorites.

Also, totally random. Where did you get your recumbent bike again? There's something funny going on with the belt for my bike and I realize it hurts my back too much so I might need to try something new. Thank you!


severina2001 March 25 2013, 00:28:59 UTC
That's exactly it, it's completely authentic (I was trying to avoid saying "he feels REAL" in my review, heee.) I think if anything it was probably easier for Will to come to tears in that bathroom scene, working with his actual son. The protectiveness would be natural. (The scene that got me was the moment when they were at the middle of the line at the shelter and couldn't get in. Just that look of hopelessness and fear on Will's face. That was it. I lost it.)

I got my bike at Canadian Tire. So unless you're up for a nice long road-trip... *hopes* :D


amelialourdes March 25 2013, 00:37:07 UTC
Yes! That kills me every time. They have to close up for the night and how can they possibly fit all those people in there? So heartbreaking. Just bring on the tears. Bring 'em on, Will.

Oh, you will definitely know if I'm up north! Sigh, boo. There aren't too many stores nearby that sell equipment at a reasonable price. But I will keep looking, thank you!


severina2001 March 25 2013, 12:10:55 UTC
Will Smith is SO good. I mean it, I should just own everything he does. Even if I don't particularly like the film, I always like him IN the film.


msofdarkness March 24 2013, 23:41:49 UTC
OMG! I just had to comment because....Your userpic...The orange and white kitty looks just like the stray cat I've been feeding for the past 2 weeks! Too Cute.


severina2001 March 25 2013, 00:29:35 UTC
Take him in and then he won't be a stray! :)


flashfly March 25 2013, 03:20:48 UTC
In all the various info I've read about Perks of Being a Wallflower, it didn't register that Emma Watson is in it. This one I want to watch.


severina2001 March 25 2013, 12:12:07 UTC
Uh oh, another to add to your list! (That's okay, I've watched 3 of the 38 on my To-Be-Watched list, and then just added 3 more!)


flashfly April 1 2013, 04:35:40 UTC
This past week, I got my Netflix film on Thursday and watched that night, and on Friday watched the special features and deleted scenes and made myself walk to the mailbox in the middle of the night to put it back in the mail so that I could have the next movie as soon as possible. Usually I wait until Monday to send it back. Let's see if it comes by Wednesday this week.


persnickett March 25 2013, 16:54:00 UTC
And now you are going to tell me there is more than one, aren't you. Hey, Brooke Hogan had a whole TV series to herself, I guess it's only fair. ...I kind of want to see this.

Will does have a talent for picking a good script. He's a talented guy all around. Who knew he'd turn out to be a better actor than a "rapper" in the Bel Air days?

I kind of want to see Wallflower too. Or I think I do. People talk about it a lot. Maybe what I want to do is read the book. Have you started it? In a week I'm going to need subway reading material again, and I think it won't take me long to get through Life of Pi.

Hee. Looks like lots of upcoming movie dates for Amy. I hope Greg doesn't want his wife back any time soon.


severina2001 March 26 2013, 14:58:27 UTC

Heeee, I am somehow surprised that you did not know this. My sister Margie was a wrestling fan and Rowdy Roddy Piper was her favourite. The movie is sort of cheestasticly awesome as opposed to being *actually* awesome. Cheesetastic is fun, though. :D

I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower in about 4 hours at work. So that tells ya something. It's also written entirely in the form of letters that he's writing to some nameless person. I was hoping that the book would be more complex in the sense of providing more background, internal POV, that sort of thing. It does not. I actually preferred the movie.

Put in an order at amazon for some of the m/m books I recced to you. Then you'll have LOTS of reading material. :)


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