"ya wanna come out to the limo?)

Nov 22, 2004 02:56

OH! And everyone remind me to tell about how one of the head guys for universal records hit on me! (at least thats the way that it seemed to me!)

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Comments 13

big_georgie November 23 2004, 04:51:50 UTC
More like "Wanna Come In My Limo?".... oh grosse


remre November 23 2004, 14:44:20 UTC
No George, I promise that it was worse....


setherd14 November 23 2004, 17:10:42 UTC
yes it was worse.


setherd14 November 23 2004, 17:09:58 UTC
yes he asked me that


thenarcoleptic November 25 2004, 02:56:04 UTC
my poor seffy baby...i'm sorry that you were subjected to that:(...next time any guy asks you that again, come to me for advice..i'm a pro at turning down guys who just asked me to come to their limos:D


setherd14 November 30 2004, 09:45:58 UTC
oh i know! you get that all the time dont you!


rockpaperscizor December 12 2004, 20:24:26 UTC
What do you want for Christmas. I don't have msn on this crap computer so message me on myspace or something.


setherd14 December 14 2004, 06:55:50 UTC
the only things i want for christmas are really expensive ha

talk to betsy about what i want... she knows better than i do


jules81186 January 13 2005, 02:49:03 UTC
hey it's me. i think you should update and possibly add me.


bonzokid February 1 2005, 03:56:50 UTC
he seth..its bryan.. just saying hi.. and you told me the simo story in person

anway.. i have some questions for ya.. plus i miss ya.. i will see i you in march when i come home to visite..

do you have an email adress


setherd14 February 2 2005, 18:29:42 UTC
hello baby, seth@iamgr8.com OR setherd14@hotmail.com

take your pick

i talked to you on the phone yesterday


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