Full Moon

Nov 10, 2011 21:13

I don't often reference my faith or my practices. I'm happy to talk about it if anyone asks (and they often do when it comes up) but for the most part, I don't interact with the spiritual community so much.  Recently, I've found myself withdrawing a little more from my old practices.  I offer prayers daily and when I feel the need but I have not been observing Sabbats and Esbats for almost a year.  I mean, I knew there was a full moon due - I could feel it - but it's been so long since I cracked an ephemeris that I hadn't a clue what day it would be.  I admit, I've been a little melancholy at withdrawing from practice but for whatever reason I haven't been able to motivate myself to do anything further.

Late this afternoon, I was walking home from fetching some milk. It was dark out, the stars aren't even visible tonight. And right there in the street, standing in the cold waiting for a traffic signal to change, I felt something touch my heart - that's the only way I can describe it - and I knew before I even looked up that the moon was full.  The feeling of emotional release was something so complete.  I kinda wish now that I was more involved with the community, so that I had someone to relate this to.  I haven't felt like this since my dedication.

Tonight, I did something I haven't done in years.  When I got home, I went straight to the draw I keep my divination tools in and reached past my worn, familiar tarot deck. I took out my long neglected Ogham fews and cast a spread.

I wont go into what I read, except to say that it touched me deeply.  One thing I will share with you though is that the first few read was beith. Birch - the first tree of the Ogham calendar and symbol of new beginnings.

life, full moon

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