Fic:Risks (Conner/Ethan) PG-13

Oct 12, 2008 15:15

Got bored and wrote this during a study break.  Wont be pursuing it, but wanted to share. I don't usually write for this season (infact this is a first DT) so please bear with me. No Beta-ing, sorry.

Title: Risks
Fandom: Power Rangers: Dino Thunder
Pairing: Conner/Ethan
For:megthelegend  and arytra who I blame completely for filling my head with thoughts of DinoThunder madness!

Connor was pouting at him and Ethan could already feel his resolve weakening.

The blond was just too damn aware of how easily he could manipulate his friend.

Sighing, he nodded and for a moment felt his whole body glow with the warmth that infused the taller youth’s gratified smile.  It was a talent of Conner’s; to make you feel like someone special whenever he graced you with that smile.

Not giving his friend time to reconsider, Conner took Ethan by the hand and pulled him down the corridor.

“So where are we going?” the dark skinned youth questioned, the tone of his voice suggesting it had better be worth missing chess club for.

“You’ll see!” His companion replied, casting a mischievous grin over his shoulder and despite himself, Ethan felt the first prickle of excitement.

Connor was always coming up with some new way of amusing themselves and whilst there was always the chance they would be found out, the stimulation of each new adventure far outweighed the risk.  So without further question he followed along behind his more athletic friend, warmed by the thrill of anticipation.

At the door to a storage room, well away from the main teaching facilities, the red ranger looked at his friend, his face flushed with boyish laughter and a devilish glint in his eyes.  Throwing a furtive glance in either direction along the corridor, Conner slipped open the door and taking hold of Ethan’s shirt front pulled him inside, drawing the lock after they had passed through.

Inside it was dark; any light filtering in through the windows was obscured by pieces of gym equipment pushed up against the walls.  There was a certain smell in the room too; composed mostly of dusty floor mats, mixed with the sweeter odour of new plastic gym bags waiting to be claimed.

No sooner had the door closed behind them than Conner was pushing the smaller boy back, using the greater weight of his body to pin his teammate against the tiled wall.  Ethan exhaled nervously and gripped Conner’s jacket sleeve, feeling the body-warmth permeating the soft material as his attention shifted to the firm contours beneath.

In the darkness a warm hand cupped his cheek and then lips gently met his in a kiss that was soft and undemanding.  Ethan began to feel a familiar haze creep over his mind, his body instinctively responding to the caress; fingers curling into the silky blonde locks at the back of Connor’s head to hold him close, whilst his lips parted in invitation.

Conner placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, the tip of his tongue unhurriedly exploring his lips, delicately tracing the soft curves in maddening pathways until a faint whimper escaped the other boy and the red ranger knew he had his companion in complete supplication.  As he swirled his tongue over Ethan’s lower lip once more, he passed the tip of it into his friend’s mouth before retreating.  Unseen in the darkness a wolfish smile played about his lips.

Easing in closer, Conner slipped his hand beneath the thin fabric of the blue ranger’s shirt to settle on the curve of Ethan’s hip; thumb caressing the delicate skin of his waist.

They were going to be found out eventually and there would be repercussions to deal with…

...but that was later.

A list of my PR fanfiction T rated or lower is here

conner/ethan, dinothunder, fic

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