Meme time

Apr 24, 2010 08:42

Snitched from rivulet027 , because I enjoy a good meme:

Can apply to RP-things or fic-things. Or both.

meme under cut )


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Comments 6

rivulet027 April 28 2010, 00:52:13 UTC
A. Carlos, because I really didn't look at him before reading your fanfic. Also Rocky/Billy as a pairing, cause I would've never thought it up, but it works so well.

B. Carlos

C. Power Rangers


serpentine85 May 4 2010, 09:04:39 UTC
Sorry it took so long. Comment in two parts, because of length restrictions.

A. You like my Carlos? *is all happy* :D

B. Pick one of my characters and I'll answer the following questions about him or her.
1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
For the sake of the Earth, and nothing short of that, Carlos would kill some evil fiend if there were no other option.
2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
Sing: Carlos doesn't like it known that he has a rather fine singing voice. His reasons for this aren't clear, but I'm sure there's bound to be a story behind it.
3. What do they dream about?
A world where rangers aren't necessary. He's not to sure about what he would do in that instance, and he'd miss having the power to help others, but he certainly wouldn't miss the early mornings, bumps and bruises.
4. What’s their biggest fear?
Carlos' biggest fear is that someday, someone will realize he's had too many blessings in his life and take it all back.
5. What single object would they be most hard ( ... )


serpentine85 May 4 2010, 09:44:39 UTC
Part two of two:

C. Pick a fandom, any fandom I'm in. I will tell you:
• One True Pairing Ship:
Adam/Tommy: 16 years and still going strong. Here's to my boys!
• Canon Ship:
One of the few things that puts me off a pairing is making it canon, but I do kinda like Zack/Angela.
• "If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship:
Tommy/Jason. A: Tommy is Adam's boyfriend and B: It's too close to being canon (see above note on canon pairings)
• "You are one sick puppy" Ship:
I'll elect to keep this one on the DL for now
• "I dabble a little" Ship:
Carlos/Andros. It works, but I'm still trying to figure out how.
• "It's like a car crash" Ship:
Andros/ want to look away, but you just can't.
• "Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship:
Adam/Aisha. That's right folks, Serp' is on the fence about an Adam het pairing.
• "Makes no canon sense but why the heck not" Ship:
Carlos/Shane. I'm working on it :D
• "Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship:
Tommy/Kat. Do I really need to explain this one?


rivulet027 May 6 2010, 18:14:36 UTC
Andros/Mike is so a car crash ship now that you've mentioned it the idea won't leave me alone...cept I haven't found any fic. :( Can understand the canon issue. Sometimes I like canon ships, but I also like trying different things. Sick puppy...can't be any weirder than any of mine. Come on I write Cam with RJ, Adam with Dustin, Andros with Jason. I even write Dustin with Justin...don't think any pairing you would say would throw me too much. :P Can also understand the Tommy/Kat thing probably because I either want him slashed or with Hayley...besides Kat belongs to Kim. :P


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