MeMe snitched from Scifisentai

Oct 19, 2009 10:54

So I've snitched this from scifisentai because it looks like fun.  Come join in :D

For one week, recommend / share:
Day 1: a song
Day 2: a picture
Day 3: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day 4: a site
Day 5: a youtube clip
Day 6: a quote
Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy

Day 1: a song
A1 - Hey You
(I've not found a link for this anywhere, but those with iTunes [etc] should be able to access a sampler somewhere)
I love it because it's upbeat, cheesy-as-all-get-out, and has a really catchy beat.

Note to all interested parties: I'm thinking of re-opening the 'Give Carlos some love' meme and will be adding some improvements this time round.  I'll post to let you know when it's open again.

meme, music

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