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Comments 28

jeannev September 30 2008, 17:27:37 UTC
I love that KK/TW story. That was awfully sweet of her. And it certainly couldn't have hurt in him landing the job. Though I suspect that he was going to get that part anyway, since I'm sure when he walked in the door, and they saw him, they were sold. Could he be any more made for the role of a young Clark Kent?

Ya know, I wonder if SV was doing a Paley type of thing today, would Tom go? Probably not. :( I'm actually surprised at how sparse the SV panel was considering that most shows send everyone.


serenography September 30 2008, 21:05:20 UTC
I'm sure he had the job from the minute they saw that hunk of a man in person. But the story does make me smile because I can just imagine the two of them, both young and very nervous, but still being supportive.

I just don't think Tom is interested in doing any promo stuff for SV at all. He's had chances, and never does. It's hard to know exactly why, but it seems very suspicious that he hasn't been happy with things. I have to wonder if he hadn't of been obligated for this one last year, if he would have walked when Michael and Kristin did.

I SO look forward to him being cast in a movie project that might be cause for him to appear at ComicCon. I *will* attend that if and when it happens.


dm_wyatt September 30 2008, 17:29:12 UTC
What a great story!

Shows what a supportive acting partner Kristin was from the beginning, probably explains the chemistry they have on screen...


serenography September 30 2008, 21:06:40 UTC
*sigh* Yeah... It's a shame they squandered it so much.


chrisluvstommy September 30 2008, 20:40:16 UTC
WOW that TW wallie is sooo pretty!! I love how you enhanced the coloring of his eyes *g* such a pretty...pretty LOL


serenography September 30 2008, 21:09:02 UTC
Thank you! Actually, aside from some filters and textures, I didn't add any *color* to his eyes at all. They naturally enhance themselves very beautifully when played with enough.


fleegull September 30 2008, 20:55:17 UTC
Ha! I was at that Paley Fest and heard that story firsthand!

The TP'ers should be the ones to clean up the mess they made.


serenography September 30 2008, 21:09:56 UTC
Did you really? How awesome! I don't think I've ever heard that story. So you saw Tom in person???

Spill, please. :)


fleegull September 30 2008, 22:08:14 UTC
I found my entry for it and it's a total letdown! Yes, I was there and I was shocked, shocked! that TW showed up!

The better TW in person sighting came when I was front row at Carson Daly. He truly must be seen in the flesh at least once!


serenography October 1 2008, 01:21:15 UTC
Maybe I did read that a long time ago...my memory is pretty wonky. Still, it's was nice to read it again. I'M SO JEALOUS! ;)

Would you mind if I reposted you comments about meeting Tom in the JustTW comm? I can just post the snippet, with or without a link. We're pretty desperate for new Tommy news these days. :(


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serenography October 1 2008, 03:00:42 UTC
I miss Tom doing interviews SO much. I was really hoping that with this possibly being the last season, he'd do more appearances. But, alas...

I have no idea why he's been so scarce, unless it's just a case of him not being in huge demand anymore since he's on a CW show that's been around for 8 seasons. The CW is focusing all their pimpingon their new shows and certainly not SV (as evidenced by their cheapass photochopped promos).

I think he likes to enjoy his time off when he gets it too. Oh, that lucky wife of his... ;)

Thanks for the art appreciation.


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serenography October 2 2008, 02:53:09 UTC
I'm pumped for Erica's appearance on Bonnie's show too. I pimped it in the JustTom comm even. Of course, I'm really hoping that some talk of Tom comes up - did you ever see the outtake of Tom and Bonnie goofing around and him kissing her? They also spent some time together off the set (there are photos of them hanging out). I'm SURE Bonnie will talk Tom with Erica. :D

But... I really am glad to see Erica on TV doing her first talk show. She is without a doubt, the biggest promoter of the show in the entire cast. Of course, it can also be seen as her being the most ambitious since she's really promoting her own career as well. I don't fault her for that at all, rather, I applaud her for being a seriously hard working actor doing what she needs to do to get her name out there.


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