Someone has taken it upon themselves to work through my fanfic over the last few days and tell me anonymously how much they hate it. If they'd put a name to their comments I might be more inclined to reply to them personally. But not much more. Most of my fiction was written quite a while ago and doesn't necessarily reflect where I'm up to now,
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Comments 10
But yeah, I suppose if nothing else, it serves as a reminder that the internet is a very public place.
I hope whoever it is has vented their spleen sufficiently and gone away.
I really hope you don't close down catsfiction. There are several fics on there that I would enjoy rereading (particularly the Emotional Baggage series).
I went back through a few pages of catsfiction but didn't see anything - probably looking in the wrong place. Anyway, as you say, trolls are best ignored :) Did you know that you can disable anonymous commenting? So you don't have to flock the journal; just disallow anon commenters.
Anyway, adding a plea not to delete catsfiction: I go back to re-read some of my favourites from time to time, and would hate to lose them. :/
Sorry you had to go through that!
It started with my Christmas Carol story from last year and now they seem to be working through the Life in Cardiff trilogy, mostly complaining about my Doctor-hate and putting Martha on a pedestal - I suspect it's a severe case of excessive Tennant fangirling. I'm quite amused by the Martha dig since I've been accused of precisely the opposite in the past!
(Do you have IP address tracking turned on? That should help winnow things down.)
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