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Comments 6

cedarwolfsinger October 24 2008, 21:55:38 UTC
Good job! Yay for Ash & Cinder! Good luck!


selkie_queen October 25 2008, 03:13:46 UTC
Thank you, I am so glad you like Ash and Cinder, I've been working on them for a while now.


insolentscrawl October 25 2008, 03:07:15 UTC
Oh, excellent. Thank you for continuing this! I love the characters you've created, and I really enjoyed reading this story. Good luck this week.


selkie_queen October 25 2008, 03:14:26 UTC
Thank you, it means a lot to me that Ash and Cinder are so well recieved.


dioscorea October 30 2008, 01:54:56 UTC
Hi, one of your editors here. As always, feel free to ignore anything you don't like :)

This was a wonderfully interesting piece. I was immediately drawn in and entertained the whole way through. It was a nice break from schoolwork!

Edit-wise, there are two main things to consider in the future - comma usage and slight redundancy. There are several parts that either need their commas taken out (semi-colon or new sentence, whichever you prefer) or need one put in. For example: Then came hope, I could feel... and have taught me much, I soon shall be able.... It doesn't take away from the content of the story, but it would make a great story even better. The repetitiousness is also a fairly small thing. The one part that stood out the most was when the sisters kept proclaiming doing the challenge 'together'. A slight change here would make it flow better and improve the overall feel.

Oh, and one nit-picky thing - He was going to be so pissed if I failed... while amusing, pissed doesn't fit the tone the rest of the story has. Angry or ( ... )


ofshootingstars October 31 2008, 22:00:11 UTC
Hi! I'm one of your editors!
I'm sorry about how late this is. The past week has been hectic!

Wow. That is pretty much all I could think after reading it. Your narration is absolutely wonderful. The fluency and pacing is admirable in your piece and your descriptions! They are absolutely lovely. I don't see any grammatical errors, and I have only two little suggestions to make.

I agree with dioscorea about this sentence:
He was going to be so pissed if I failed...
Pissed really disrupts the flow of your writing, and the style. Perhaps angry would be more appropriate...? Oh, I also agree with discorea about the comma splices ( ... )


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