A whine

May 28, 2008 09:56

If it weren't for the fact that I am leaving anyway in two months, I would ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

historyterry May 28 2008, 12:17:35 UTC
For what it's worth, I do understand. A number of my jobs in London involved getting in at 8am, and leaving at 7:15pm, frequently five days a week. That meant up to fourteen hours a day out of the house, including the commute. One job even had me coming in odd weekends for no pay. And the people I met there were not people I generally had contact with, due to having little in common - or they were too busy with their partners and/or kids. The few guys I did get invited to go out with, I often couldn't due to being too overworked, or too tired. It went with the good wage, but I've suffered from it.

So, I understand the odd missed phone call, and the tiredness, and the illness, and the frustration that IT jobs involve.

Um. I will also be tired tonight, so don't mind if it's just a quick call. I'm feeling particularly run down right now, but it'd be great to hear from you. Failing that, I still get to see you next week, right? And it's not that far away.

Hoping the rest of your day goes a darn sight better.



selenay936 May 28 2008, 20:19:14 UTC
Thanks for the chat tonight, I do feel rather better for having a laugh at silly stuff. I think it helped more than ranting would have done.

I know you understand when I have to postpone, but I hate having to do it. If it were once a month or so then I wouldn't get so fed up, but it's not. We've only had two postponements this month. If I had actually had anything planned this month with local friends then I can almost guarantee that I would have had a few more. The only reason that I got to Fairport was because I made it damned obvious that this was something I was not missing and I asked Da Boss to ensure that I could get there. He wasn't happy and he won't often make that kind of effort.

I've always promised myself that I would never let a job become so important that I sacrificed friends and family to it. At the end of the day, nobody ever says "I wish I'd spent more time at work" later in life. So I will be trying to make sure that I'm not in this kind of situation again.


wadjet_theperv May 28 2008, 15:53:00 UTC
*hugsyou* That sucks. I hope you can manage to sort at least some of the crap out very soon.

As for this though,

***Part of me wants to enjoy the time I have in England and not miss a single thing. ***

it would be all I could do to not just walk, tell them to shove it and take the next flight out! Knowing that I was going 'home' for good in only two months, I dont think I'd be able to take it. I'd be away. The company you're working for are very lucky you're working out your notice. They should treat you much better.

Feel better soon.


selenay936 May 28 2008, 20:21:22 UTC
I hope you can manage to sort at least some of the crap out very soon.

Thank you. The crap will be sorted out on 25th July when I walk out of the building for the last time!

The company you're working for are very lucky you're working out your notice.

I'd love to be the kind of person who could walk without working my notice, but I'm too straight-laced and feel too responsible for the people that I'm leaving behind. It's not a good combination :-)


wadjet_theperv May 28 2008, 20:39:41 UTC
I'd love to be the kind of person who could walk without working my notice, but I'm too straight-laced and feel too responsible for the people that I'm leaving behind. It's not a good combination :-)***

Indeed you are, and it's one of the reasons I like you. I do sympathise, and I'd love to say I'd be the same way, but although I'd like to think I wouldn't, given the right motivation, I think I would!


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