Dexter 6.03

Oct 11, 2011 13:58

Train journeys: always helpful for getting one's reviews written. So, here's what I thought about the latest from Miami.

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episode review, dexter, via ljapp

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Comments 4

abigail_n October 11 2011, 22:11:43 UTC
Actually, I think Angel is right to blame Maria for the loss of his promotion, since Matthews clearly did it to spite her and get back at her for blackmailing him. Given that he's the senior detective on the squad and would have been next for lieutenant whenever the position became available, his observation that being associated with her screws him over is quite accurate ( ... )


innocentsmith October 11 2011, 23:17:56 UTC
I kind of don't hate the Masuka-and-the-hot-new-lab-geek plot, male gazey as it is, because frankly I'm just kind of glad Masuka's getting to have a love interest and also show professional competence after several seasons of just being vaguely pathetic comic relief. I mean, I think we were always meant to infer that he was good at his job, but he was nearly always sidelined in favor of Dexter, and it was starting to wear on me.

I wish he and the show hadn't seen it fit to take this out on Maria, whose fault this was not.It...partially was, though? I mean, mainly it was Matthews, obviously. But Maria used blackmail to get into her position, knowing Matthews (a) hated her for that and for other conflicts in the past, and (b) was the type to fight dirty. And then she was pretty overconfident that Angel would be confirmed in that position. And in response to that he got even more counting-chickens-before-they're-hatched about it, and that was on him. But I don't think he's wrong that, in the messes that result from LaGuerta and ( ... )


masqthephlsphr October 12 2011, 12:46:21 UTC
I'm sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop on Matsuka's leering thing. The whole thing is being played a bit too obvious to be a simple "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" bit of sex comedy. It feels much more like a plot point, like they're going somewhere with it. I doubt it'll be a sexual harassment lawsuit plot, since they already raised that possibility and defused it. Not sure where they're taking it, though.


kernezelda October 15 2011, 13:14:38 UTC
This is Dexter 6.02, btw, not 6.03.

I miss Rita. I liked her, and the effort the relationship required from Dexter to maintain it, and that he truly did care for her, despite his inability to admit the emotion to himself.

Maria is partially to blame for Baptista's not being made LT - she blackmailed Matthews, and Matthews got back at her. Baptista was just the tool to strike home the blow. I don't like either Matthews or LaGuerta, both of them political and self-serving, and it's a shame that Baptista paid the price for their antagonism.

Deb as LT is not going to work unless she really pulls herself together and learns the bureaucrat routine; I suspect she's going to wind up ultimately rejecting being LT, or being demoted, and accept that, because like Harry, she loves the job, not the position.


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