The whole reason for this entry is based on a question from a girl (I`ve first met on a birthday party of a friend of mine) who asked me and my best friend which fetishes we have. And we both kinda...answered with the simple reply „Hands“.
(Cause hands are great, aren`t they?)
But it took not that long until I realized that this question is utterly stupid for every fangirl/boy out there, cause everybody will think first about her/his ichiban and then just mention...everything about him...from head to toe...
Just because there isn`t anything else we can think about, is there? So I just decided to write a small funny post, full of...well you will see ^__^
(warning: The word „perfect“ will be used again and again...and again and again. Tons of gifs and pictures. )
This post is dedicated to the lovely and gorgeous
kissmegreen, cause her posts always brighten up my mood and let me smile <3 (I hope I also can make you die because of loss of blood smile :-))
It`s common that everybody firstly look in somebody`s eyes...because they supposed to be the kagami (mirror) of one`s soul, aren`t they?
Isn`t this just beautiful? Perfect brown orbs, perfect almond eye...and I`m just in love with his eyelashes (cause I ALWAYS loved lashes XD)
They are just stunning, aren`t they...? Cause even if you really WANT to look away, you just...can`t.
And you will stare and stare and stare...
Until you recognize that he isn`t just able to captivate somebody trough his gaze...but also kill...
(I`m still thinking that he just can kill EVERYBODY with this eyes, if he just wants to)
It`s also absolutely cute how he was blinking all the time in his dorama „One pound gospel“. I really should have count how many times I just had to bruise my poor pillow, because I just couldn`t handle this cuteness.
But most of the time the eyes stay calm and friendly:
Absolutely mesmorizing and seducing...
Or simply beautiful, joyful and just...perfect.
But of course everybody know that eyes just can`t be perfect without the eyebrows...and I LOVE his eyebrows. ( I highly doubt that there is anybody else in this world who has such amazing, fitting and significant eyebrows...I`m biased, I`m allowed to think that way XD)
They can make him look absolutely bitchy and arrogant:
(*caugh* And there we have the death-glare again...)
Absolutely freaked out and in disgust
Girly and feminine:
Dorky <3
Peaceful and calm...and just absolute beautiful and perfect.
I LOVE his perfectly neat shaped eyebrows. *^*
Well...what should I say? I think everybody who loves Kame, just HAVE to love his nose.
I remember all the moments when I just thought „Thank dear god, that in contrast to the whole k-pop people out there our Japanese idols just don`t make any plastic surgery.“ (Of course there are exclusions)
Cause they could easily fix it, but they didn`t. So we can just can continue with our love for his absolutely adorable crooked nose.
(sorry for the large gif...I just CAN`T make is smaller...)
Seriously, I just love his profile *dies*
I know about a lot of people out there who always say things like „I liked the slender Kame more“
Apart from this whole bullshit ( cause it`s absolutely wonderful that he gained some weight, because now he is a healthy young man and not somebody who was near to anorexia, due to his hectic schedule)
Healthy Kame=Happy Kame
Happy Kame=Happy Fans
Very easy equation isn`t it? :-)
So like I said, apart from this, I absolutely, absolutely, absolutly in LOVE with his cute chubby cheeks. Because they just too adorable for words.
Especially when he is eating...(I love to see him eating...thank god, that so much of Japanese variety shows are dealing all the time with food...(I have to admit, that I hated Japanese food before...but you just can`t hate it anymore, when you´re seeing him doing it...)
Well...One simply many people on this world started to wish for themselves to be a simple tea can, after watching this?
Happy can...happy, happy, lucky can. (And I will be grateful for my entire life to this reporter who asked him to kiss it)
He is also absolutely adorable when he is kissing himself...(Yeah...I don`t believe in this whole „in love with a robot“ thing. He is just in love with the reflection...this is fact.)
Or is trying to kiss somebody else.. .
(Maru...please...just give up to withstand him...)
Or is kissing something else...
(Just give me that tie..*cries*)
And how many people still believe that the song „lips“ is dedicated to his pair of adorable pinkish, seducing, alluring lips?
Oh...I know...I still believe it ^^
Some more examples to prove how gorgeous they are:
Especially when he is touching them with his very own fingers...
Or biting them...
Or drinking wine, while touching the glass...
(after this dorama I became mentally addicted to wine -.- Thank god not physically, because then I would have a serious problem)
Or...well...the focus lay here not concretely on the lips...but...they are an important part of it XD
Or when they have a cigarette between them...what is actually a very difficult topic, because actually I HATE smoking. (it should not be any attack towards the people who are smoking here)
Because that`s unhealthy and it I`m getting a terrible headache because of the smell.
But how the hell am I suppose to hate it, when he is so incredible sexy while doing it?
Lucky cigarette.
Oh, actually that`s so sad that we all are envy because of such simple things like cigarettes, tee cans, glasses or ties.
So if in your next live you have the great opportunity to choose what you want to be, you will definitely know what to choose...
Well, what comes after lips?
You get it...
Okay, I think that everybody knows about his adorable (cute, silly, mesmerizing, addicting) habit to lick his lips every time he is talking, without even noticing it:
One day (while I was re watching the Hanamaru episode from 2011) I just decided to count how many times he was doing it through the show. was about 70 times I suppose. (and the episode was not that long, and often you haven`t got the chance to see him, because the switching of the Camera)
And then we have this licking which he is doing on purpose, cause he knows that he driving people crazy with this simple action.
He even did this as a teen...(even though it looks not hot at all, but more funny XD)
Haaah. I just love his tongue.
Look carefully at his tongue just before he`s taking the Banana in his mouth:
Well...that`s enough of tongue pictures/gifs I suppose...
Yes I know that`s not fully physical, but I just have to add this on the list.Because the most adorable thing about this man, is his smiling and laughing.
That`s so adorable that he just can`t control his actions, when he is laughing..
It`s just absolutely catching...
Or adorably shy and embarrassed *.*
I think there isn`t anything that I can say about this topic, because everybody knows that moles are his most charming point.
They are just gorgeous, cause there are so many of them, that every time when you see pictures of him you will start to count them. Again and again and again. And every time when you can`t see them, because of the too many foundation or the stupid abuse of photoshop you will have the urge to cry.
Because moles are beautiful. <3
(I won`t show here any pictures, because they are just too many, and it is hard to see them properly on this small size)
I will be absolutely honest here.
Even though I utterly in love with kame and with every centimeter on his body, there is somebody else who`s ears I do like more.It`s our beloved riida from Arashi. I really don`t know why but I just love his cute ears.But nevertheless kame`s ears are of course gorgeous too. ( so please don`t hit me *hides behind a wall*)
(The only sad thing that we just don`t se them that often because of his long hair)
But a few examples:
(There are soooo many reasons for me to love Baseball <3...tongue!)
Or our beloved Kazuko-chan:
Facial hair:
In fact I really don`t like it when guys don`t shave their faces.
Cause they are always more beautiful with even skin. But I really will do an exception for kame.
(and this even though it is nearly impossible to see him with facial hair in public XD)
*stares at the pictures*
I love him.
Let me start with a nice gif:
Isn`t this just absolutely stunning...?
Or this..
and this...
And this of course:
And especially this, cause the veins are so easy to see:
I know everybody has this picture of Kame as a vampire in his mind, cause of his incredible „Lost my way“ performances and I also LOVE them, but tbh I rather would like to see somebody biting him, because he has such a gorgeous neck.
Of course also from the backside
I remember that back then I haven`t got much knowledge about him and kat-tun, my best friend asked me if I`ve already see the part from the nmp concert, where he was playing drums...half naked.
And I also remember very well that I said something like „He has utterly cute shoulders“
And I still think that his shoulders are just absolute cute and adorable *^*
Cause the intersection between neck and shoulders is so bland and round and smooth **
(mole! *.*)
And I absolutely LOVE his back-muscels...
Or this wonderful spine-line....
I can stare at it for hours.
So coming to a conclusion: He has a gorgeous back...( that`s not like it is a surprise...^^)
(of course...that`s common isn`t it? XD)
I suppose a lot of you know about this epic scene/gif:
No really...these are most probably the tiniest nipples in the world. He should be in the Guinness-book of records...
(Probably somebody should suggest this?)
(Oh, before i forget this: Thank you Panasonic, thank you...I love your CM`s and making ofs. All of us do)
They`re just soo small, that you can easily oversee them. Funny comparison:
and just another picture.
And another...(I`m always waiting this jeans to just slip down...But sadly it never happen *sighs)
And the last:
Waist, belly, navel:
Well, because I already thanked Panasonic, I will begin with this:
It`s supersupersuper mesmerizing.
Does anybody need tissues...a bucket. Maybe two?
Then maybe now?
Like it`s already nice to see on the gif...his navel. I LOVE his navel.
And...*takes a deep breath*
I can continue with this for the next ten eternities, but I`m afraid that my brain won`t be existent then at all. So I just will stop here.
*looks at the next point*
Okay, probably I should say already now „bye-bye“ to my brain...Because...
Tbh, I never understood the line „Hips don`t lie“ in Shakira`s song.Why don`t they lie? And about what?
Probably about the little (but important fact) how perfect and hot somebody is? his case...definitely.
They definitely don`t lie...
*can't breathe*
*dies slowly*
He also has incredible hips as Bemu...
And to forget this scene. are such a pervert...( and we love it )
He was doing it even as teen...
I`m definetly won`t talking here about the funny fact that he`s doing it in front of Jin`s face...*not that an akame shipper in the real life* But...yeah....
If somebody paid attention to the introductry line, he will remember that I answered with hands to the fetish question.
And here we are. I LOVE his hands *.*
But I like it even more when he is just touching himself with them.
*takes another deep breath*
*needs a break*
*needs some water*
So yes. I DEFINITELY love his hands...
As you maybe have noticed, I just go down from his ^^
I just leave a few "funny" pictures here...because...well. Just because ^^
(No, I`m not a pervert. I`m just a kame- fan...) And I know you are staring...
Another question:
How many of you just HATED this guy for doing this:
Well okay...maybe not exactly „hated“ but were just incredible envious of him?
I would love to make an interview with him: „Mister...just explain the feeling to have this divine ass under your hands..."
*forces herself to stop staring on the gif*
(Pay attention to the subs XD)
Have I already mentioned that I LOVE Baseball...?
Because I do...I really do.
I also love this gorgeous Camera Man in Dama na yoru 2 who shot this:
You are gorgeous turtle...
And you know it...
And you absolutely want to show it...
I won`t show pictures here, cause all of these which I uploaded before also show how gorgeous legs he has.
And knees...
Even though we rarely see them, cause of clothes. (Which freak has discovered clothes actually...? *goes to join a protest against them*)But they are utterly wonderful.Especially his knees. I remember the funny moment, when a friend of mine was just crying on a chat program cause the life was so, so, so mean to her (do you feel the sarcasm here?), and my answer was just „ oh my f*cking god. He has such cute knees!!“
(I think I was watching „One pound gospel“ back then.)
So yeah...I love his legs.
And his thighs *.*
Altaugh we also don`t see them that often, I love them.
(Okay how many times did I already said the phrase „I love...“?)
looks at his big toe. Ahhh it`s soo lovely *.*
His toenails *.* Perfect toes <3
And just to sum up the perfectness:
So...the next time when there will be somebody who ask me this question I will simply answer with.
Cause he is a walking fetish.
Lots of gifs are mine. Lots are taken from tumblr and co.
Pictures are not scanned by me.
Turtle belongs to us himself.
Bla bla bla.