Aug 26, 2019 06:48

Arrow went to visit his Auntie Linda & Uncle Jimmy--where he would be loved-up and spoiled just a little--on Thursday be returned to our loving arms on Saturday morning ( Read more... )

state fair

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Comments 24

mrdreamjeans August 26 2019, 14:24:23 UTC
I hope you saw the wonderful photo of us Jon took at the Fair. I posted it. It was so delightful to see Jeff and you! I was a bit off my game because of my feet and I apologize ... I couldn't walk all day Saturday. Definitely, not wearing sandals again to the Fair.

The Belinda Carlisle concert was a hoot .... a drunk woman was putting the moves on me. I was uncomfortable, but she got so drunk she and her husband left before the concert.

I'm sorry the Mighty Steed got bumped! Did you by chance find your cane?


seekerval August 27 2019, 11:09:08 UTC
You posted some great photos, Neil! I think I look better in those two photos than I usually do. Must be that camera of yours, hunh? *snicker*

I'm sorry about your foot issues. No need for you to apologize, you know. I think you managed quite well.

"a drunk woman was putting the moves on me"
For heaven's sake! Some people really ought to have warning signs attached...and a keeper assigned. Of course, I suppose you've been there before.

We received a phone call from the Lost and Found people on Sunday and I was able to describe my cane sufficiently. They agreed to hold it at their building by the Sky Ride until we go back next weekend. Yay!


akalablossom August 26 2019, 14:43:41 UTC
Sounds like you had fun! :D


seekerval August 27 2019, 11:10:47 UTC
We did, indeed. And the darned day just ran away into the black hole of time. But ... we'll be back!


akalablossom August 27 2019, 11:50:47 UTC
Jon said there is another week... dang! I want in! LOLOLOL


seekerval August 27 2019, 11:54:50 UTC
You could plan a vacation trip for next year......

Labor Day is the last day every year, with the starting day being 12 days before that. Always a Thursday start.



thespian15 August 27 2019, 01:20:24 UTC
A busy morning you had. :)
I would have been really pissed at that old man from bumping your steed. :o :o :o
If your night vision is THAT bad, DON'T DRIVE AT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There have been a couple of years that when I went up early, I was the first in line at the gate I was at. lol.......
Hugs, Jon


seekerval August 27 2019, 11:17:13 UTC
We did, indeed, have quite the morning. The afternoon was pretty good too. Then...that evening just flew by too! Hah! Typical day at the State Fair, ya know.

Oh, we were mighty pissed. When MyJeff brought the man to look at the scrapes on The Mighty Steed, you could see that the old guy was quite shaken and maybe a little scared. MyJeff is a nice guy, but his temper makes him pretty scary, when you don't know him.

We've NEVER been able to be the absolute FIRST! Second, yes. Third, several times. Never First. MyJeff will be jealous, when I tell him.

It was great to meet you, Jon. I wish we had found a place to sit and just talk for a while. But, now that we've met once, we will manage to connect again and get that conversation going.


thespian15 August 27 2019, 11:23:59 UTC
Parking and Seating are something the Fair really needs to work on.
I was just looking at a fairgrounds map, and it looks like they lost about 2/3 of the parking space for cars on the West end. 1/3 was marked as Charter Buses and another 1/3 was taken up by the shuttle bus turn around. :o

I hope he's not too jealous. LOL...
Remind him that I have an hour and a half drive to get there. Which means I have to leave in the middle of the night. :o


seekerval August 27 2019, 11:40:29 UTC
Definitely! They do need to look at the parking issues. But, I think they just want to push more people into using the bus system. Getting more parking space in that area (lots of University property) would be difficult, if not impossible.

He won't be THAT jealous. Just, kinda dirt-kickin', head-hangin', muttering about "un-Fair" kind of jealous. ;-}


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