A Record-Breaking State Fair

Sep 06, 2017 09:52

Now that Minnesota's Great Get-Together (a.k.a. The Minnesota State Fair) is over for another year, I'd best get busy with a wrap-up post. Just for your information and wonder: The 2017 Minnesota State Fair broke their overall attendance record this year with 1,997,320 attendees! If you weren't there this year, start planning on coming next year to ( Read more... )

state fair, photos, pointer sisters

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Comments 10

puddleshark September 6 2017, 15:01:51 UTC
Oh, wow! That knitting is awesome!

It sounds like a wonderful day altogether (badly behaved teens excepted).


seekerval September 6 2017, 17:42:01 UTC
Those knitters did some amazing stuff. I think they had a lot of fun, too!

We had a lot of fun ourselves (despite the you-know-whos).


anonymous September 6 2017, 23:55:02 UTC
I am nowhere near Minnesota, but I enjoy the fair vicariously through you!

--Jenn Hubbard


seekerval September 7 2017, 11:06:45 UTC
I'm pleased you enjoyed my report, Jenn. If you're ever within reasonable distance during the 12 days leading up to Labor Day, let me know. I'll arrange to be your personal guide! ;-D


changeling72 September 7 2017, 08:08:14 UTC
One of these days I will go to the fair with you!

The donkey foal is gorgeous. I want one!

The knitting is amazing. I have thought about learning to knit - but that's as far as I have got!

I am so glad that you enjoyed the Pointer Sisters. It all sounds like a grand day out.


seekerval September 7 2017, 11:00:22 UTC
YES! I'll put having you and Chris at the State Fair with us on our After-The-Lottery-Win List, at least.

He is definitely a little sweetie. The young woman helping to tend him scooped him up into her arms like a puppy and he just snuggled in. Such an "awwww" moment.

Isn't it fantastic what some people can produce with--basically--two sticks and some colored string? A friend insisted on trying to teach me once...just the once...

The Pointers were terrific. I should dig out my Pointer Sisters tapes and CD to put on while I ride the darned exercise bike. Overall, the day will keep bringing smiles to my face for months to come.


changeling72 September 10 2017, 07:52:26 UTC
Likewise when we win. I guess I will need to buy a Lottery ticket first, though..?

Mum's uncle used to keep two donkeys for many years. Chris and I would love to have a smallholding. I would like some pygmy goats too.


seekerval September 10 2017, 12:30:45 UTC
*smirk* Yes. I suspect buying a Lottery ticket would be an important step along the way to a win.

Pygmy goats are so adorable that the word "adorable" only approaches the fringes of HOW adorable they are. Especially the kids. But they are even better at getting into places you don't want them to be than other goats are. And, as you've probably heard, goats are VERY good at getting into mischief. For a short period of time, we had pygmy goats on the farm when I was young. Dad was NOT willing to put up with the mischief for very long.


mrdreamjeans September 8 2017, 02:00:41 UTC
Wonderful!! I didn't see any of the knitted sculptures ... However, I had a blast. I didn't have much money to spend, so my eating was limited to an apple dumpling, a turkey bacon wrap and a corn dog. Drinks were outrageously expensive, but I still loved it!!


seekerval September 8 2017, 11:36:01 UTC
I'm so glad to read that your State Fair experience was so good! However, I do agree that beverages are almost criminally costly. Everything is hiked up in price, of course, but ... goodness!

Instead of a corn dog (which is one of our State Fair staples) we shared an order of the breakfast pancake-battered sausages-on-a-stick with maple syrup. That comes to one battered sausage apiece. Very nice.

I'm looking forward to reading a bit about your State Fair experiences.


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