Five fictional characters I'd have sex with

Jul 31, 2006 21:32

Taken from

1. Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) - Caring and sensitive and intelligent and tactful in public, but then alpha!werewolf in the bedroom. Yes, *please*.

2. Gilbert Blythe (Anne of Green Gables books/movies) - He makes me squee every time he comes onscreen in the movies, and he's just as loveable in the books. Marry me.

3. Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain) - Mmmm. Lean, fit Jake Gyllenhaal in worn jeans and a cowboy hat. Too bad I don't have the right equipment for him. Perhaps we could do a little Ennis/Jack/
secretsolitaire threesome?

4. Darrel "Darry" Curtis (The Outsiders) - Nngh. Strong stoic men who finally crack and show a little emotion? Yes. Brotherly love gets me every time.

5. Charlie Weasley (Harry Potter) - Strong, fit, good with his hands, covered with freckles in nice places...sigh.

Runners-up: Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter), the Weasley twins (Harry Potter), Theodore Lawrence aka Laurie (Little Women)

In other news, it's possibly a billion degrees in our apartment. We called our property manager during the last heat wave re: our air conditioning, and they never called us back. *grumbles, rubs ice pack all over forehead, arms, etc.* I'm not a big one for air conditioning at all -- we never really had it in my house when I was growing up, so I'm all about fans in the windows and cold showers and things. But it's going to be 100 tomorrow (heat index of 110), so it might be nice to have a little AC on that one day of the year. You know, maybe.


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