Two memes: questions plus hot people :-D

Aug 23, 2010 23:04

ashmedai tagged me for this meme. I'm not tagging anyone, but if you wanna do it, do it!

Questions )

pic spam, meme

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secretsolitaire August 24 2010, 23:12:18 UTC
Yeah, I wouldn't turn either of them away. ;-)


absynthedrinker August 24 2010, 03:21:14 UTC
There is absolutely nothing Karl Urban couldn't do to me. NOTHING! Thanks for the lovely pics.



secretsolitaire August 24 2010, 23:12:58 UTC
Hahaha, I feel the same way! And I think he could do a lot of good with those hands and that mouth, mmmf.


thistlerose August 24 2010, 03:38:10 UTC
Kate Winslet has mermaid hair in that picture! I love it. And her. *sigh*

Also, I adore the pics of Kristi Yamaguchi and Ekaterina Gordeeva. I adore them. I miss watching them skate.

But that picture of Chris. OMG. I don't know why, but I love that his tummy is slightly rounded. Big muscles intimidate me, and he has just the right balance of soft and hard. UNF.


secretsolitaire August 24 2010, 23:15:50 UTC
I think her hair is so pretty there! I love her with red hair.

I miss watching those two skaters as well. They're a couple of my all-time favorites. (I could have included quite a few male skaters on this list, like Katia's hubby Ilia Kulik and the adorable Kurt Browning. ♥)

I agree, Chris's tummy is so lickable there! Or maybe I'd just blow a big raspberry on it. :-P


morebliss August 24 2010, 03:38:13 UTC
Very good job on the Rafa photo!


secretsolitaire August 24 2010, 23:16:16 UTC
Hee, thanks! I figured I'd let the biceps do the talkin'. ;-)


la_dissonance August 24 2010, 04:06:23 UTC
Hmmm, where do I know Karl Urban from? No matter, his car-leaning skillz have convinced me of his beautifulness anyway.

Ani Difranco, could she honestly get any more adorable?? *sighs*


secretsolitaire August 24 2010, 23:17:44 UTC
The main things Karl Urban has been in (as far as I know) are the newest Star Trek movie (♥Bones♥) and the second Lord of the Rings movie (in that one he has long blond hair -- not his best look in my humble opinion *g*).

But yeah, he doesn't need to act when he can just lean...and let those jeans stretch across his thighs. Mmm.

Ani is so adorable!!


la_dissonance August 25 2010, 03:07:34 UTC
Oh RIGHT, Bones. *smacks self on forehead*

He's looking sort of skinnier than I remember him from the movie, hmm. Or maybe this was taken before. IN ANY CASE. *stares shamelessly*


secretsolitaire August 25 2010, 03:15:21 UTC
Hee, yes! I wasn't sure if you'd seen the movie or not, but yeah. I have no idea when this photo shoot was done, but it is a wonderful gift to humanity. *stares with you*


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