Book meme + Harry love :-)

May 16, 2009 22:54

I was reading an HP fic today that touched on the events of the battle at the end of DH, and I felt myself tearing up (not for the first time) over how ridiculously brave Harry is in those scenes. Sometimes it takes a good fic to remind me just how much I love Harry as a character -- not just for his courage, but also for his flaws and for his ( Read more... )

hp love, books, meme

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Comments 30

wook77 May 17 2009, 03:04:16 UTC
1.) Little Women
2.) Anne of Green Gables
3.) Catcher in the Rye
4.) Outsiders
5.) Indian in the Cupboard
6.) The Thornbirds
8.) Where the Red Fern Grows
9.) A Wrinkle in Time!!!!
10.) The Chosen? It's been forever since I read it but the name Reuven sticks with you.


secretsolitaire May 18 2009, 01:02:55 UTC
Wow, I'm impressed! They're all right except #5, though that's a good guess -- I loved that book/series as a kid. :-)


justinlovesart May 17 2009, 03:47:25 UTC
1. Little Women
2. Anne of Green Gables
3. The Catcher in The Rye
4. The Outsiders

Then I've got a feeling they are American chidren's classics I've never read :)

I am in the HP fandom for many, many reasons, but Harry himself is one of the biggest

Hear, hear!


secretsolitaire May 18 2009, 01:07:09 UTC
All correct!

Hee, I would say 8-10 qualify as kids'/young adult literature, but 5-7 are for grown-ups. :-D (Although I did read all three of them when I was in high school.) Answers will go up tomorrow, I think.


gaycrow May 17 2009, 03:47:43 UTC
I imagine most people have guessed the ones I think I know:

1. Little Women.
2. Anne of Green Gables
3. Catcher in the Rye
6. The Thorn Birds


secretsolitaire May 18 2009, 01:09:05 UTC
All correct! And actually, you are the only one to have guessed #6! (You have an advantage on that one, I think. *g*) Answers up tomorrow.


letmypidgeonsgo May 17 2009, 03:50:07 UTC
1. little women
2. anne of green gables (et al)
3. catcher in the rye?

there are more that sound familiar but i can't place them


secretsolitaire May 18 2009, 01:09:54 UTC
Yes, all correct! The rest of the answers will go up tomorrow. :-)


court1429 May 17 2009, 03:59:05 UTC
I'm a little embarrassed that I recognize so few of these characters!

1. Little Women

3. Catcher in the Rye

7. Ordinary People - god, I was blown away by that book when I first read it. I was probably about 16 and it had just been published. The movie is one of few that is truly faithful to the book. I should read this one again. I know I've got it somewhere.

9. A Wrinkle in Time - I reread these pretty often and wish she'd written more about Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace

10. I'm pretty sure? this is The Chosen and if it's not, it's a Potok book. ;) I read The Chosen and its sequel in high school, too. They were pretty dense if I remember right. Wonder if I'd like them if I reread them? I'm not exactly sure I liked them the first time around, lol but I was fascinated by them. My Name is Asher Lev is another of Potok's books that has stayed with me, though I don't remember much detail.


secretsolitaire May 18 2009, 01:54:22 UTC
Yes, all correct! I totally agree with you re: #7; I've read that book so many times, and the movie is excellent too. My favorite scene is the one where Con finally loses it in Berger's office, gahhh.

Re: #10, those books are definitely dense. The Chosen was always my favorite because I think the author managed to balance all the heavy theological stuff with a simple, moving story of fathers and sons (and of friendship too). I haven't read it in ages, but the scene that stayed with me was the father finally explaining to Reuven why he had treated his son the way he did, and Danny just sitting there crying as he listened. D-:

Yeah, I have a thing for boys crying, what of it? ;-)


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