
Apr 07, 2011 14:35

In Their Shoes
Author: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Season 6. "Once More With Feeling" has ended differently.
Summary: Role-playing games are more effective than a shrink's couch - at least, in Buffy and Spike's case.
A/N: Many thanks to deird1, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar, style and ( Read more... )

form: fic, era: btvs s6, rating: other, creator: moscow_watcher

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Comments 54

gillo April 7 2011, 12:13:08 UTC
Loved it! (And thank TPTB for the minute window of LJ-upness that allowed me to read it.)

The comedy then tragedy tones work extremely well, and I particularly like the way you head most of the rest of the misery of S6 off at the pass.


moscow_watcher April 7 2011, 12:46:09 UTC
Thank you! :)
I always thought that the misery of season 6 was mostly due to Buffy's mental state. As soon as she gets over her issues, everything else becomes easy to deal with.


uglybusiness April 7 2011, 13:07:28 UTC
Ыыыыы! That was brilliant, I love it when you start to play with canon like this, it's so smart and so funny :D And the character voices were spot on. And the "demonocratic yet humanity-friendly government" and "mercy-impaired female" almost had me choked on my coffee :D

Thank you!


moscow_watcher April 7 2011, 13:30:18 UTC
Thank *you* for kind words. It was incredible fun playing with genre conventions and modeling Sweet's dimension after the showbiz world, parodying its often ridiculous rules!


treadingthedark April 7 2011, 14:28:00 UTC
This was excellent! I really enjoyed it, very unique and very funny.


moscow_watcher April 7 2011, 15:51:47 UTC
Thank you, honey! The more I delve into season 6, the more I get convinced that the best way to rewrite its trials and tribulations is poking fun on them.


petzipellepingo April 7 2011, 14:47:40 UTC
Buffy's hands itched. She hadn't had a chance to hit anybody for five days straight.


The judges had better appreciate his poetic efforts. Unless they wanted to end up with railroad spikes in their skulls.
"double snort"

"Stake me now, Slayer! I bloody can't play the Mighty Poof! 'Oh, my shagtastic slayer, I don't know what went through my undead pea brain when I saw your nubile charms, but I became so frightfully happy that I lost my shiny soul, turned into a psychotic stalker and killed your teacher and a bunch of other innocent people'. I'm gonna heave."

:: dies ::

"The most heartbreaking and the most erotic chapter. The story of enormous sacrifice - or maybe an enormous cowardice? The story of Angel becoming human and rejecting his humanity."

Look into your soul, Buffy Summers. It was cathartic, wasn't it? Revisiting the past worked as an act of exorcism. Unearthing the hidden provided the much-needed closure. You're free of your past. You're ready to start a new chapter of your life. You may look into the ( ... )


moscow_watcher April 7 2011, 16:04:38 UTC

I'm very happy that you liked it! A lot of this stuff owes to current Spuffy vs. Bangel debates on different forums. Hopefully it doesn't sound too tendentious.


binsoup April 7 2011, 15:29:34 UTC
your fic is the icing on the cake that is LJ finally (sorta) wrangling its server problem. it's close to midnight where i am, a strange time for me to be sporting a wide grin. thanks for making my day.


moscow_watcher April 7 2011, 16:07:46 UTC
Thank you! Your smile is the biggest compliment to me, because I mostly aim to entertain. :)


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