work, fandom, pretty men, otw, real life

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  • Oh... guh...

    scribblesinink Apr 29, 2008 16:55

    Supernatural fandom for the win in a single graphic... *thud*

    And question for just_ann_now: when's the next Advent calendar project due? :)

    fandom, pretty men, supernatural

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  • Things that amuse me…

    scribblesinink Dec 05, 2007 18:32

    pretty men, friends, world of weird

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  • Vet visits and adorable boys

    scribblesinink Nov 12, 2007 17:52

    I took Sam (the cat) to the vet today for his yearly innoculation as well as his first senior cat’izen check-up. He’s doing very well, except his kidney values are a little on the high side, so he’s gonna have to eat old cats’ food from now on. They reassured me it was nothing to worry about and he doesn’t need a special kidney diet, but since I ( Read more... )

    pretty men, supernatural, cats, real life

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  • On SPN… and stuff

    scribblesinink Oct 26, 2007 21:26

    First, Supernatural 3.04: I heartily approve! Even though in my first viewing I couldn’t follow all the dialog. Either because the sound on my copy isn’t too great, or maybe I let myself get distracted a time or two by freckles and pretty green eyes and floppy hair and six-foot-something of boy and…
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    www, fandom, pretty men, supernatural

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  • Belated birthday drabble for Tanaqui

    scribblesinink Sep 30, 2007 15:15

    A day late, and I was aiming for nekkid!Sam, but alas…

    Happy Birthday, Read more... )

    pretty men, friends, fanfic

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  • Time wasters (part 2)

    scribblesinink Aug 26, 2007 17:45

    Originally published at You can comment here or there.

    As per request, now available for public ogling reading: a slew of nekkid Gondorians. For the moment, only at LJ here, but coming soon to as well as Fiction.Plaza old-school-style (*sigh* that’s one more story I’m going to have to move to the new archive ( Read more... )

    www, pretty men, fanfic

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  • More teeny!fic that’s anything but

    scribblesinink Aug 19, 2007 19:01

    Originally published at You can comment here or there.

    Note to self: next time someone else’s teeny!fics grow into monsters… don’t laugh!

    I just posted an almost 3,000 words long ‘teeny!fic’ to my fic journal,
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    writing, pretty men, friends, fanfic, fic prompts

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