writing, fandom, fanfic, communications, meme

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  • Podficced!

    scribblesinink Mar 22, 2012 12:24

    If there ever was a time my "Whee!" icon was appropriate, it is now.

    OMG, I got podficced!
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    fandom, fanfic

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  • Various and sundry, bullet pointed

    scribblesinink Mar 03, 2012 21:18

    - *sigh* I was thinking I was starting to catch up with my to-read magazines... only to find five new ones in the mail this morning ( Read more... )

    writing, randomness, fanfic, real life

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  • OMG So Much Pr0n!

    scribblesinink Feb 16, 2012 20:39

    I guess I can say I had a good writing day when I've managed to crank out 3,000 words of soft pr0n, huh? Even if it's somewhat contextless and I have no clue where or how to fit it in with the grander story -- which is also as of yet mostly plotless except it'll talk about the Awesomest Bromance Eva ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts

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    scribblesinink Jan 02, 2012 18:12

    I can not believe it, but I'm DONE with the story that ATE MY LIFE, aka Anna AU ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts

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  • 2011 Fic Round-up

    scribblesinink Jan 01, 2012 16:48

    First of all, happy new year! And a day late due to Yuletide reveals, but here's my end of year round-up of fic posted (emphatically not written...!) in 2011.

    The round-up for the first six months of the year listed 52,566 words, spread over four fandoms ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts

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