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Comments 69

[video] mosorgans December 18 2011, 06:40:50 UTC
[She's quiet for a long moment, brain working to figure out what it is she just saw. The broadcast minds were a fairly new concept to her still, but--

But this was something else entirely. It feels like she just bore witness to something too deep and private and intimate to ever be comfortable. Something that reaches through her entire being, brushes her soul, her heart, her mind. This scene--this feeling--is both frightening, and securely familiar like a warm embrace and Chrome can't begin to make sense of it yet. There's a feeling like she wants to cry, her good eye wide and wet though there are not actual tears falling.

What is she--what is anyone--to say about this?]



[video] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 07:27:34 UTC
[Congratulations, Chrome, you are the first to see what the original broadcast did not show. That is, Sebastian, lying on the floor of what is perhaps a bedroom. The Forge is beside him, on its side, showing just his torso, very wet with blood.

He's still for a second or two, then there's movement. The gloved hand reaches for the Forge, knocking it toward his face. Blood trails from the corners of his mouth. He sits up with effort, and spits a stream of blood onto the floor.

He blinks at you, frowning. Similarities aside, it isn't you he wants to see.]

Where is my master?

[Because he's in this room alone. And that can't be right.]


[video] mosorgans December 18 2011, 07:37:48 UTC
Ciel-san? I don't know. I'm sure he's here somewhere.

[She doesn't even wince, from his appearance to--well, anything else. She's seen people far worse off--nearly been as bad at one point or another--but still it's...hard. She frowns, gathering her things and beginning to move]

Where are you? [if you don't tell her she'll just send Mukurou out to scout you anyway.

This is one of those rare, rare, times when the blushing, polite, shy stammering Chrome is gone. She's the Mist Guardian now, and even if Sebastian is not part of the Family, this whole situation has put him into a new light. And Chrome will do her duty as well as she can because of it.]


[video] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 08:14:29 UTC
[Yes, Ciel'll have to be, won't he? Because Sebastian caught him. He isn't panicked or anything of that sort. But he is confused. One moment he's somewhere else and now he's...

Back where he has been, for the last year. That's right, it's Anatole, isn't it? He glances around, confirming it.]

...My room, in my master's house.

[It's starting to come back, what he was doing before three weeks' worth of memories was shoved in his head at once - if that's what just happened. It had been just another quiet night at the Phantomhive house.

Meaning the boy is probably downstairs, in his own chambers. He stands with some effort, gritting his teeth. He needs to check on that.]


byronicreaper December 18 2011, 07:10:36 UTC
[Even to him, this resonates. Even while he wants to tear himself away and shut himself down because he swore he'd never look at the demon's mind again, he looks. He sees. And this is something that strikes past the old burning hatred, makes his iron spine bend-just a touch-enough to accept it.

Maybe he might understand Sebastian better if he lets it occur.

So he does, he lets the thoughts fall to pieces-chaos, nothing but, unwanted-and searches for a thread to follow.

Knox. Knox is there, why? When had Knox ever come into contact with Michaelis? It's his voice, his scythe, his manners, his eyes. The eyes. They fight, they exchange blows, and William can't help the smile that leaps to his lips when he sees the cut to the face. Dirty, but no one ever said reapers fought fair. They fought to win, a clear difference ( ... )


[TEXT | Private] - delayed response demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 07:36:16 UTC
[For once he'll indulge your texting. Because you are one of two people currently in this world who have a prayer of understanding this. And honestly he's not sure he cares to confront William verbally about this at the moment.]

I believe it did.


byronicreaper December 18 2011, 07:48:47 UTC
[Text is also best suited to convey his lack of any of his usual tones. Thankfully, it also conceals the rage he feels at a certain point being reality.]

So someone actually went and interfered with the records in such a manner.

Don't go saying they went and killed you as well.


demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 08:25:56 UTC
Yes. I think so.

[...The second part, however.]

I'm afraid I don't follow.


[video] princely_calyx December 18 2011, 07:22:45 UTC
[That's a lot to take in.]

Okay. [She tics her points off on her fingers.]

First: Someone attacked you with a lawnmower? Did they even have lawnmowers back then?

Second: I guess Dawn wasn't kidding when she wrote about the melee winning thing and the silverware throwing.

And third: Of course I'd miss you if you left!


[video] - delayed response demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 07:48:55 UTC
[By the time he replies, he's at least wiped the blood from his face. Another uniform ruined, however.]

I am familiar with lawnmowers, yes. But none that are quite so deadly as that one.

[His voice is, perhaps, a bit hoarse. He's still healing from what might be an imaginary wound. Thanks, Anatole.

He's going to skip the second point entirely. The third point takes him a moment to place. He's had so many other revelations that one fleeting thought about the nature of humans has entirely escaped him.]

Ah. Yes, of course. [... Asking why will probably just complicate the situation.] That was probably a silly thing to wonder, wasn't it?


[video] princely_calyx December 18 2011, 08:12:35 UTC
...are you all right? [He sounds off. And doesn't look his usual impeccable self. She cocks her head, studying his image as much as the Forge allows.]

They never told us Victorian England was so violent in history class. [If they had, a lot more people would have paid a lot more attention.]

No. I don't think it is. We all worry about the impact we've made in our world, on our friends. [She thinks a moment.] I guess because we don't tell our friends what they mean to us enough. But then again, it'd be a little weird if we did. People don't usually think about that kind of stuff unless death is involved. And people don't want to think about death. [Well, most.]


[video] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 17:24:08 UTC

["Fine" would be a lie. He struggles to find an adjective that will pass as the truth.]

... a touch confused.

[It's the best he can come up with. And besides, he's hoping seeming disoriented will excuse him from her inane chatter about sickeningly optimistic things.]


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[Private // Text] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 17:47:42 UTC
[Oh, inquiring minds want to know, he's sure. There is a pause. Again, he's uncharacteristically grateful for the text.]

That is an exceedingly good question.

["Yes" begs a lot of follow up questions he doesn't really want to answer, including possible questioning of his sanity. "No" is a lie... maybe. He's not sure, honestly, given the tricks the Mist has been known to play. In fact, he could have easily blamed that entirely if he hadn't come to his senses with the same injury inflicted upon him in the... vision? Memories? Whatever they were.]


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[Private // Text] demon_andbutler December 19 2011, 01:51:26 UTC
It would. However, the Mist has been known to inflict physical maladies in the past.

[Oh, how nice it would be to pin this on a Mist hallucination and be done with it.]


[Action] chessmetaphor December 18 2011, 18:06:51 UTC
[Ciel doesn't even think to respond over the Forge. He barely remembers that there's something wrong with his leg, until sharp pains jolt up it the moment he moves. Still reeling from everything that's happened, unable to process that they've arrived back in Anatole, the young Earl only has one very important thing on his mind.]


[Fear like that he's only experienced a fear times in his life courses through his veins. His leg screams at him to stop, to rest. His mind has jammed, unable to form any kind of rational thoughts. Except one.

I have to find him.

He moves around the house as quickly as he can, taking increasingly labored breaths. It becomes difficult to draw them after a time, as mild panic sets in. Sebastian must have come back with him. He had to. But there was so much blood, after Undertaker...

He releases a yell of frustration, heading down the hall to his butler's room. If he isn't in here, then... then...]


[Ciel pushes the door open, panting, his face one of all kinds of pain. But ( ... )


[Action] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 18:36:14 UTC
[So perhaps he should have lay down on the bed and not back on the floor after talking to Chrome. But he hadn't quite been thinking about how returning to a spot of floor soaked with his own blood would look to anyone.

Even his master.

Also he probably should have opened his eyes immediately, but hey. He likes hearing legitimate worry about him in the kid's voice. It's possible it'll never happen again.]

You're loud. I can hear you just fine.

[He opens his eyes now. The boy looks pretty worse for wear as well, he notes as he struggles back to a sitting position.]

Or perhaps you'd like to slap me for good measure?


[Action] chessmetaphor December 18 2011, 18:45:56 UTC
[Of course he would get a response like that. Gritting his teeth in frustration and pain, the boy exhales heavily before speaking again.]

Shut up! I thought...

[You were skewered with a Death Scythe. What do you think he expected?]

... You need medical attention.

[His attitude is different, now that he knows Sebastian is alive. Ciel is looking away, staring intently and almost angrily at a spot on the floor.]


[Action] demon_andbutler December 18 2011, 19:36:40 UTC
[He has to smirk at Ciel's reaction. Although even that hurts, honestly. But at least there doesn't seem to be blood pooling in his mouth anymore.]

I should be able to heal on my own. I am not sure what anyone here can do for death scythe wounds. You, on the other hand...

[He takes a moment to look the boy over, and notices how he's carrying his leg.]

If your leg is injured, I can only assume you experienced the same event I did. Fortunate, then, that the girl is coming.


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