1st Lie ❧ [VIDEO]

Sep 29, 2011 10:13

[There is no confused fumbling of the Forge or unexpected video capture of the man on the other side. Rather, this newcomer looks suspiciously relaxed, seated upright in an apartment chair, a map folded carefully upon his lap. In an ashtray nearby, a snuffed cigarette still smokes. Dressed in a long, black coat, the gaunt middle-aged man looks ( Read more... )

the trickster, yachiru kusajishi, merlin, sousuke aizen, !lucas t, kahlan amnell, priscilla

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Comments 85

trickster_treat September 29 2011, 20:19:10 UTC
Oh, you know Death. Always playing around with people's lives.


liedthrice September 29 2011, 20:20:18 UTC
As it would seem. At least he plays no favourites.


trickster_treat September 29 2011, 20:22:51 UTC
Death's just a bitch. A cruel, cruel, bitch.

Take a wander down the street and you'll find a few bars. Why, they might even have things to write on!


liedthrice September 29 2011, 20:25:30 UTC
Perhaps yes, but I've never found it to be his fault in particular.

[He seems pretty unphased by his own death.]

A few bars? Is that so. I'm afraid, however, the money in my wallet has little worth here.


Video pratservant September 29 2011, 23:20:11 UTC
What were you expecting from death?


Re: Video liedthrice September 30 2011, 02:08:22 UTC
Obliteration. I expected the end, of course.


Video pratservant October 1 2011, 00:15:59 UTC
Then surely this is better than the alternative.


Re: Video liedthrice October 1 2011, 02:51:54 UTC
Definitely. There's a chance I could still meet with my brother, here. I did not want to die before I saw him again.


infidus September 30 2011, 08:26:14 UTC
[Not that Aizen normally plays meet-and-greet, because he doesn't. But the mention of death interests him. So.]

You won't find wine or paper difficult to come by. Perhaps they may be difficult to afford, however, under the circumstances.


liedthrice September 30 2011, 15:43:14 UTC
I suspected as much. As I absolutely need these things, could you tell me where I could find work?

[Without eliciting the racism of the locals, preferably.]


infidus October 1 2011, 01:02:01 UTC
[He gives the screen a slightly amused look. Briefly. Almost unnoticeable.]

As in all places, this would depend largely on the nature of your skills, I believe?


liedthrice October 1 2011, 03:26:46 UTC
[Lucas nods.]

I understand. I've always done whatever necessary. Musician, gardener, writer, journalist, busboy, entertainer, actor, assassin, bookseller... among others. Skills will not be of issue.

[Though as a master of none, he made no fortune, but he survived, and that's what was important.]


yetsleeping September 30 2011, 08:43:03 UTC
Death? Are you...

[Maybe that's too personal? She frowns.]

This isn't the afterlife.

In case you... thought it was.


liedthrice September 30 2011, 15:47:30 UTC
[There is no such thing as too personal a question, not to Lucas. Especially since he doesn't plan on telling the truth. He just smiles.]

Yes, I am dead. Rather, I was. Cardiac angina, nothing could be done.

I am aware, because the afterlife doesn't exist. However, if it is a place that some arrive after death, that's just as well.


yetsleeping October 1 2011, 00:59:31 UTC
...thank you!

[Sudden outburst is, admittedly, a little sudden.]

Err, sorry. I just. Don't really believe in afterlives either, but people keep--

Well, anyway! I think it's the Door. Or, well, I know it is, but I don't know how it brings people back from the dead.


liedthrice October 1 2011, 03:45:15 UTC
[A gentle smile.]

Was that what you wanted to hear? I'm glad.

Yes, I've been told about the Door. So it can bring the living as well as the dead? Most curious.


[video] inpiecesofcloud September 30 2011, 08:59:50 UTC
The place you go when you die looks pretty different from this! It's sunnier!

[Yup, that would be a small pink haired child talking about the afterlife like it ain't no thang.]

It's not really a prison, either. Even though you can't go home when you want.


Re: [video] liedthrice September 30 2011, 15:51:26 UTC
[Lucas gives the child the sort of smile a parent would after hearing their child speak out of naivety.]

I'm sure it is. [Not sarcasm, but an agreement.]

But we are trapped here, aren't we? Mist instead of bars.


[video] inpiecesofcloud September 30 2011, 19:44:07 UTC
Or, well, it's mostly sunnier! There are parts of Rukongai that don't get much sun. But the Seireitei is really nice!

[She tilts her head slightly, thinking.]

Yeah, I guess we are trapped here. But nobody here will tell you what to eat or what to wear like in prison, and you get to walk around the ruins and the whole city whenever you want!


Re: [video] liedthrice October 1 2011, 03:53:40 UTC
I can't say I've been there, unfortunately. But when I do, I'm sure I'll remember your comparison.

[He's not writing her off or trying to quickly finish the conversation, he's speaking slowly and listening intently, taking the time to try to understand what she means.]

How have you managed so far, child?


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