
May 04, 2011 04:20

The Door's been even more active lately. Is it making up for lost ground, I wonder ( Read more... )

gokudera hayato, !teresa, kay, clare

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Comments 38

yetsleeping May 4 2011, 08:26:33 UTC
It does seem a little more active than it normally is lately. I wonder if that will continue? ...I'm not sure whether to hope it does or doesn't, to be honest.

[A little sigh.]

It does go through phases, though. I've been here long enough to notice that.


I'd like to get started early tomorrow if you don't mind. I know you won't be asleep.


prescientblade May 4 2011, 08:50:51 UTC
I doubt it matters what we hope it will do either way. Unless that trick you learned really works.

[You know. Your... foxomancy. Which is really weird by the way.]

That begs the question of what else cycles with it.


You know that, do you?

We can. I should have my preparations finished by then.


yetsleeping May 4 2011, 09:00:32 UTC
Well, I... I don't really think it works. But it is a little... strange. I've managed to stop myself from volunteering to take ducks by telling myself they'd need names.



All right, good. I kind of like leaving early anyway. [And by leaving early she means never actually going home.] It's quiet before dawn. It gives me time to think.


prescientblade May 4 2011, 10:41:27 UTC

If you're superstitious enough to avoid.... ducklings, then it as good as works. ...No doubt they'll find a good home even without your help, though.

But who knows? The forces behind the Door could have decided to be generous with you.


Hm. You've been needing a lot of that lately, haven't you?


[ Filter ] newly_knighted May 4 2011, 13:18:33 UTC
Considerably better, Teresa.

[ Thanks to you. ]

And yourself?

[ A pause. ]

I will be raising my sword in the tournament. I, for one, would like it very much if you could join, if not simply attend and [ --watch me-- ] see how I've improved. Because, I have been training...quite hard, in fact.

[ Who needs bed rest! Besides, he does feel better these days. ]


[ Filter ] prescientblade May 5 2011, 09:09:25 UTC
I'm glad to hear that. Both that you're feeling better and that you've been practicing. A little illness like that shouldn't keep you from your training.

[Yeah, suck it up knightboy. Now that you're not on the verge of death so she has to worry about you.]

It wouldn't stop me from mine. But then our kind isn't normally prone to sickness. I'm happy to be over it.

[...and now she's thinking.]

Hm. I've never actually been asked to use my blade just for showing off before. It's a far cry from being accused of it.


[ Filter ] newly_knighted May 5 2011, 12:05:27 UTC
I have faced greater trials than illness. As terrible as it was, I agree with you. I cannot allow it to keep me down.

[ Because you wouldn't allow it to keep you down, and Behman and Felson wouldn't, either. I want to be strong like you three. ]

Come on, Teresa. It could be a lot of fun, the tournament.


Voice pratservant May 4 2011, 14:40:07 UTC
It's not just you. It's springtime, the animals tend to...erm, multiply.

I really think you should join in. Whatever reasons these people have, they surely wouldn't mind when it's all in good fun.


Voice prescientblade May 6 2011, 03:23:17 UTC
Of course... I almost forgot, with all the death and mayhem going around. So many of them are being taken in as pets, I didn't even think about it.

Hm. I'm not meant to fight against humans.

[...said in that tone that indicates she doesn't especially care about this rule.]

And battling my own kind would be a little unfair.


Voice pratservant May 6 2011, 03:54:23 UTC
You should let Arthur be the judge of that. He's big on being fair.


Voice prescientblade May 6 2011, 09:34:20 UTC
Should I? Do you think he's qualified to make this particular judgment?


[voice] bakudan_shounen May 4 2011, 16:22:28 UTC
A tournament?


Re: [voice] prescientblade May 6 2011, 03:52:06 UTC
Yes. I believe the man who announced it is Arthur, of the Patrol. It's meant to be a celebration, and an... 'outlet for aggression'.

It might be interesting to keep an eye on.


Re: [voice] bakudan_shounen May 6 2011, 04:52:17 UTC
The Patrol, huh? Is it being held at that headquarters?

[Someone has been doing their reading. He's honestly been really curious about the Patrol and swung by a few times to gaze longingly at it. Though, if anyone were to ask why, he'd merely make up excuses about it being on the way, and it was a rather interesting place to stop and have a smoke by.]


[voice] prescientblade May 6 2011, 08:27:08 UTC
I wouldn't know, but he said you could sign up there. He'd have more information I'm sure.

Fighting for entertainment isn't really my area of knowledge.


theotokos May 5 2011, 04:12:07 UTC
It's... not just you. Maybe it was like "oh, hey, they're kind of cute", now it's just. Getting ridiculous.

Metaphors. Yes, really funny, Scorched.


prescientblade May 6 2011, 03:58:20 UTC
It was bad enough arriving to find one named after me. Now they're everywhere.

Do people need companionship that badly?


theotokos May 6 2011, 04:03:13 UTC
Seriously? That's a bit much... was it Priscilla that named one after you?

You know, some may.


prescientblade May 6 2011, 04:44:09 UTC
...How did you guess.

[Somehow, she is not surprised by this.]

Then why not find other people?


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