Banners. All over the city. WRITTEN IN GEL PENS AND MARKERS.

Sep 14, 2011 04:48

[OOC: The page to report/submit comments and questions is HERE. The post on the OOC comm about it is HERE

And, if the letters are hard to read, they say:

Q: Dear Buffy, while I have many things I'd like to say about LIFE, the WORLD, my LOVELIFE and other fascinating stuff, I can't afford to pay your reasonable prices for advicing and de-oogling. WHATEVER CAN I DO? --signed, some guy.

A: Dear whatever-guy, FRET NOT, for I have just your solution! BUFFY SUMMERS, of Buffy's counseling service for Scorched and Anatolians alike, is now pleased to offer her services in a handy NEWSLETTER. All the brains, none of the high costs. Just drop Buffy a note in her anonymous, text-only inbox on Forge ID# 35323834 and she'll gather all your thinky thoughts and give you hers back in return. IN PUBLIC! But anonymous and stuff. For Privacy!]
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