
May 19, 2004 02:27

everything with Xander and Danny have been so great but each day that passes I know its one day closer to me leaving and each day with Xander made that harder for me ( Read more... )

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sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 07:02:07 UTC
From home I called her up, making sure it wasn't to late because of the time change.


sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 18:54:54 UTC
"You know what I mean."


sweet_ariel May 19 2004, 19:00:38 UTC

jumped down from the attick and picked up the things i dropped including the phone

"ops" i giggled knowing he had to of heard the phone drop

"sorry, was walking the attic and its not exactly a safe ting to do"


sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 19:19:13 UTC
"Just don't fall because you know if you break your leg I'll have to find enough coins from the couch to fly overe there."


sweet_ariel May 19 2004, 19:23:13 UTC
i faked an ouch "oh no! better check the chairs too!" smirked softly as i lugged a suitcase down the stairs


sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 19:29:25 UTC
I laughed alittle. "Or maybe you should break your leg so I can have a magor reason to skip school and fly there.


sweet_ariel May 19 2004, 19:31:27 UTC
"a reason? pft youd do it anyways"


sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 19:35:43 UTC
"Your right I would. I should."


sweet_ariel May 19 2004, 19:38:42 UTC
smiled softly "i cant find the duct tape" i mumbled and looked around

"oh! my parents got me a puppy" i said happily "little yorkie named trixy"

(hehe shh)


sweetjayguitar May 19 2004, 19:47:19 UTC
"See now I have to come over."


sweet_ariel May 20 2004, 03:08:46 UTC
"ya thatd be col, but considering were on opposite sides of the country it'd be sorta hard, and with me moving it may be harder"


sweetjayguitar May 20 2004, 06:10:48 UTC
"I don't like this."


sweet_ariel May 20 2004, 07:57:11 UTC
"dont like what?" i plopped down on my bed after picking up the pup and pet her as she laid on my tummy


sweetjayguitar May 20 2004, 09:52:10 UTC
"Us living so far away. Maybe you;ll be moving some where that I can drive to in only a night."


sweet_ariel May 20 2004, 18:19:52 UTC
"doubt it but maybe.....hows xander?"

i asked softly, the look he gave me broke my heart


sweetjayguitar May 20 2004, 20:03:14 UTC
"He misses you."


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