May 29, 2008 04:28
[Filter: Private; Language: Italian]
Ahh. What am I doing? Strange things have been happening and I'm reading this and wasting time typing out a private post? Who knows if it's even really "private"...
We should just get out of here.
... Then again, there are no places where nothing terrible happens, are there?
Apr 29, 2008 16:52
[Filter: Private; Language: Italian]
What's been going on lately?
[Filter: Public; Language: English]
Hi. Last month, I spoke to a man, but I didn't introduce myself. Sorry about that. And then I said nothing until now... That must have left a bad impression.
Mar 16, 2008 02:31
[Filter: Private; Language: Italian]
Why are these pictures here? I didn't pick any of them myself... Is it the same for all these other people?
But there are more urgent matters. I'll send an email home.
Introductions will have to wait - or should I say something, now that I've joined?
Later. I'll do it later.