
Aug 23, 2011 23:13

Title Extinguished


Rating M for language, sex and violence.

Prompt Light My Fire

Setting S3 Wishverse

Warnings Character death(s)

a/n: Spuffy luvin’ in the Wishverse (sort of). I really don’t do dark so this is me experimenting.

They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die.


The first time you fight he almost wins. He’s got his fangs at your neck while the building burns around you and it’s only a gas bottle exploding that saves your life. It knocks him off balance long enough for you to pull free. You’re too weak for much more and the sun’s rising, so you choose to live and leave him to burn.


You couldn’t protect her and she’s still missing. You know it wasn’t him. He didn’t take her, but he come back at the wrong time and he’s bearing the brunt of a week’s worth of frustration. He laughs as he dodges everything you throw at him and makes cutting remarks about form like this is some kind of joke.

It’s no joke. This is you fighting with everything you have left, and it’s only the knowledge you can’t find her if you’re dead that gives you the upper hand. He grins when you start fighting back properly.

Your stake was only an inch away from his heart when you heard her voice behind you.


You’ll never understand why he didn’t just kill you afterwards.

Why he didn’t sink his teeth into your neck as you lay shocked and numb, with mouth and lips torn and bleeding from that horrific final kiss. Later, when he’s carefully wiping that blood away and speaking gently, hope finally dies.

“You had to do it Slayer. She wasn’t your mum anymore.”

When you wake up, still covered with her dust, he’s gone. You’ll never understand why he didn’t just kill you, and part of you hates him because he didn’t.


You used to wear skirts on patrol. You punned with the bad guys before slaying them, and though you’d strenuously deny it if asked, you occasionally enjoyed the fight. These days you don’t smile as you go through the motions. You braid your hair and wear utilitarian clothes that won’t get in the way.

Your Watcher says she’s impressed by your newfound dedication, but that’s not what this is. Slaying’s the only thing you’re good for now and sooner or later, it’s going to get you killed. You don’t wish for it because you know wishing doesn’t change things. The world is what it is.

You fight, eventually you die.


He stalks you for months. You feel his presence around you as he keeps to the shadows. There are a few skirmishes, now and again, but you never manage to come out on top and that’s only ever sometimes deliberate. On those occasions he shakes his head in mock sadness and says that he’ll wait.

You’re not quite sure what he’s waiting for until the night he saves you from being mauled by a K’vorlak.

“Fucksake Slayer. Sort yourself out. Be no fun killing you like this. ”

He wants you dead. He just wants to be the one to do it.


He never shuts up now. He talks about Drusilla, he talks about movies and music, he talks about the things he’s done and the Slayer’s he’s killed. He spares no details and he isn’t ashamed. The fights get more and more frequent the more he talks. You begin to start feeling... something, but it’s only when fighting him, and neither of you ever end up dead.


The night before your final fight he leads you to a nest of vampires, tells you they were responsible for your mother. He’s by your side when you take them out, fighting almost as fiercely as you do. You feel something else, and it’s a surprise, because it’s not him you’re tearing into at the time.

When it’s done and you’ve thanked him, he smiles.

“Welcome back Slayer.”


The last battle begins when he slams you through a door and you land in an abandoned house. The squatters flee, leaving their stolen radio behind. It’s destruction on an epic scale with a soundtrack courtesy of The Doors, and you won’t remember who started not-fighting first.

There’s a quiet moment, hours later, when his blue eyes are staring up at you and you finally realise. He wears his death on the outside  you wear yours within. While he’s inside you, when he’s beneath you, surrounding you, consuming you, drowning you- that’s when it sparks.

You feel alive.

He bucks his hips upwards. The world ignites.


Your Watcher finds him still buried inside you in the morning. Naked and proud, he dodges the crossbow bolts with ease. He tells you to stay safe in Sunnydale and to come back to finish this. You’re not exactly sure what this is, but you know you’ll be back.

One way or another, it has to end.


It shouldn't end like this. The Master doesn’t deserve it. If you’re going to die, then those should be Spike’s hands wrapped arou-


They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. They’re lying.

You’ve only got a fraction of a second left when your neck’s been broken, and a whole life doesn’t fit into that final moment.Alll you see are blue eyes staring up at you as you die, full of something you would have never acknowledged if you’d lived.Afterwards, when there's nothing but peace and warmth, you can finally smile again. Everything’s okay now and even the reign of terror in Sunnydale won’t last much longer.

Spike is going to claim what should have been his. The Master will be nothing but ashes.

setting: b3, medium: fic, creator: anviloverheaven

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