The Dasani Legacy: 1.3

Dec 12, 2009 15:22

Last Time: Layla had the final three children (Sophia, Tayler, and Drake Jr.), and that's all kids they're going to have. There were some birthdays and adorable children and lots of competition for heir; you can reall all of it here.

We start this update with: win! After way too many searches for Layla's LTW job in the Intelligence career, it finally showed up!
Layla: About time, too - I was getting ready to quit looking and be content with my job as a clown.
You're in the military.
Layla: Exactly.
*rolls eyes*

And that win continues with birthday time for the final set of twins, Sophia and Tayler!
(Ignore Drake Jr. - he just wants to be photographed more).
Drake Jr.: Hey! I heard that.

Sophia & Tayler: *Grow Up!*

Sophia: Wow, the view from this height is spectacular - I wasted so much time being short.
Tayler: Wow, I grew up with giant muscles - just look at these guns!
Drake Jr.: I can't wait to get big.
Random Visitor: *thinks* That girl's one step closer to being legal...
Creeper... Who let him in?!

Here's the gorgeous Sophia - she has her father's big noise, like most of her siblings, but it looks great - she grew into it well!

And here's Tayler, also with the big nose and also gorgeous!
(Drake's nose must be very dominant - I think it showed up in four or five of the six children!)

Here are his stats - sort of taking after his father with the number, isn't he? But this is easier than six children at once! (Sorry, I forgot to put his personality in this - I completely forgot that it was on his needs!)

Same with Sophia's stats - no personality. Sorry! But here's her aspiration/LTW, which is a job LTW, normally the easiest, yay! (Of course, Layla seems to be the exception to that little belief.... *glares*)

Poor Drake - not a lot of win out here. At least he dodged the bullet another time and stayed inside - sadly he wasn't that smart this time.
Drake: No! My big nose gets an extra whiff of that smell, and I'm hating it right now!

Sophia is invited to a downtown adventure, and since she doesn't have a boyfriend yet and I want her to have her first kiss before leaving for college, I decided to let her go.

Sadly, the people who came with her were adults, a teenage girl, and this little kid. And no one cute/teenaged showed up either.
But Sophia had fun dancing!


Back home, Tayler is having no trouble with finding someone to snuggle with...
And Sophia sits next to them just studying. No woner you don't have a date!
Tayler sure likes snuggling on this couch.

And he got his first kiss from this girl (I don't remember her name at the moment...)

And it's now time for the last kid of generation one to grow up into a teenager; it's Drake Jr.'s birthday! And two random strangers are watching him. Creepy...

Drake Jr.: Whoa, what's happening?! When I said I wanted to grow up, I lied! I want to go back inside and watch Barney on the TV!
You don't have a TV - I haven't bought it yet.
Drake Jr.: Crap.
Guess you'll just have to grow up!

Drake Jr.: Wait, maybe growing up isn't such a bad thing. Ladies, come and get me!
*rolls eyes* Oh God, please go back and watch Barney.

Looks good, though, I have to admit.

His stats (still without personality - I'll try to have personality back next time there's a teenage birthday!)

And now there are more kids leaving for college. Invisible Tora is currently in the car headed for college.

And there goes Priscilla in her pajamas - she'll fit right in!
We'll catch up with the girls and their brother, Colby, who's already at college, when the remaining children leave for college.

Here's a random shot of Drake Jr. with his new outfit, a track suit. Getting ready for the ladies, are we?

You may want to go to the bathroom before you start looking for the ladies, though.

Drake: If I were elected President, I would redo the American flag - why do we need stars and stripes? Why not something cooler, like my face?

Drake: And why does the White House have to be white? Why can't we paint the White House black? Black looks good on almost everyone, even fat people. So a fat president would look good in the black White House!

Drake: And we shouldn't recycle all of those tires - we can make a giant tire swing park for all the little kids in the world. That wouldn't be recycling - that would be reusing.

Drake: And that music they have to announce the president is outdated - we should use something by someone cool, like Lady Gaga.
Four good reasons why not to vote Drake as the president of the United States. And I'm sure there are plenty more where those came from...

Sophia: Wow, $2500 in scholarship! I beat everyone else!
It's not a competition, Sophia.
Sophia: Well, if it were, I would win!
*nodds uncertainly* You're not a competitive girl at all.

And ultra-competitive Sophia is off to college, along with Tayler.

And there goes Tayler.
Um, Tayler, what are you thinking about?
Tayler: I'm certainly not thinking about the girlfriend I'm leaving behind.

Now Drake Jr. is the only kid left, and he's busy trying to find girls to help with his LTW. His first possible girl: the papergirl.

And this date with great - First Kiss and best friends!

What are you doing, Layla?
Layla: IMing Tora.

And why would Tora be IMing you?
Layla: Because she thinks I'm a college-age girl who's going to the same college.
You're impersonating someone just so you can talk to your daughter?!

Layla: Yep - she's already told me about a million things she wouldn't otherwise tell me.
Hmm... Well, at least well at least you're connecting with your daughter somehow.

Then Layla goes off and fails upstairs. You're about two feet away from the toilet!
Layla: Stop yelling and just get me a mop, please.

Aw, a family dinner - never had one of those before, there were too many people!
Drake Jr.: Mom, this is a sad meal. Shouldn't you be making a nice homemade soup for us?

Drake Jr.: Or, better yet, we should have pop to drink. Don't you think, Dad?

Drake: Pop? Didn't I hear that it's unhealthy for people?

Drake Jr.: You're right - milkshakes would be a much better drink of choice.

Drake: That sounds a lot more tasty! That's a great idea, Drake Jr.

Drake Jr.: *plus*

Layla: *thinks* Why'd I get stuck with this kid again? *thinks*
What a lovely, happy family.

Time for another date for the studly Drake Jr.

Later Drake writes about his date on his blog.

What games did you play that caused you to gain enthusiasm in games?
Drake Jr.: *ignores*

Drake Jr.: *sings* I can't ge no... satisfaction! *sings*

Not exactly the Rolling Stones there, Drake Jr...

You aren't on your blog again, are you?

Drake Jr.: No, I'm IMing my girlfriend to tell her that I'm leaving for college.

And yes, the house is now empty of teenagers: everyone is off at college, where we'll start the next update.

Sorry for the short update - I just wanted to get an update of everything before college, and not much happened... So next time it'll hopefully be longer and more interesting!.


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