
Jan 22, 2012 17:53

Last night was an amazing thing, and I’m glad I went. And I wouldn’t have done it without tumblr, who encouraged me whole-heartedly.

I went to the Liar’s Club, a bar that was hosting a viewing party for Untouchable: Drew Peterson. I live in Chicago, home of Drew Peterson, so the viewing party was not completely out of left-field. I didn’t bring a ( Read more... )

reviews, real life, movie: untouchable

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Comments 17

rebeccavis January 23 2012, 00:12:31 UTC
Sounds like you had a blast! I will probably never watch that movie and TBH the idea of it turns my stomach a little, but I think if there's any way to watch it, it's the way you did.


saucydiva January 23 2012, 02:19:36 UTC
It was ridiculously fun. And I'm not recommending you watch the movie- it isn't good, but it's kind of like Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's not the movie, it's the sense of community and the flying toast.


rebeccavis January 23 2012, 13:29:36 UTC
Yes, I can definitely imagine that. Oh, and re: your encounter with the Rob Lowe fan: I also tend to downplay my fandom around other people :P But as a Rob Lowe fan, if I didn't already watch Parks and Recreation, the shirtless line might have swayed me ;)


saucydiva January 23 2012, 23:33:06 UTC
I mean, if she thought he was hot as Drew Peterson, with the potbelly and the facial hair and the weird hair... damn it, I almost had her! You would have loved it though. I have never heard Rob Lowe mentioned as many times as- well, ever, but certainly it was the most times in a bar.


americnxidiot January 23 2012, 00:20:44 UTC
This sounds like just the most amazing time. Between your liveblogging last night and the AV Club's almost-too-apathetic-to-be-scathing review, I got much more enjoyment out of this film than I ever expected lol.


saucydiva January 23 2012, 02:23:54 UTC
It was the most amazing time. And the AVClub review was awesome, and it's so true that the real case is actually weirder and more dramatic than the movie.

I see a lot of movies in theaters every year- I don't have the attention span to watch things at home- and this was probably the most fun I've had at a movie during this 2011-2012 Oscar season.


stillscape January 23 2012, 00:22:32 UTC
I have my screening date set with Friend Who Loves Twilight Ironically. Next Sunday, if I can make it that long.


saucydiva January 23 2012, 02:25:16 UTC
Oh man, that sounds like the best thing ever. And I say that as someone who also loves Twilight ironically.


stillscape January 23 2012, 06:13:22 UTC
You should come out and visit and see Breaking Dawn Part 2 with us. We always see the Twilight movies together, on opening weekend, and then we get ice cream and giggle at how terrible they are, and she has read the books so she tells me about how awful the books are, and then we get ice cream except this last time it was cold and rainy so we got crepes instead and discussed how Bella's sexual politics are disturbing and weird. It's a good time!


saucydiva January 23 2012, 23:29:31 UTC
That sounds much better than how I saw Part one, which was with my mother and sister- my mother gets it in her head every few months that we need to bond at the movies- after which she told me that RPat was hot in his semi-nudity. Which is still better than when we saw Bridesmaids and she asked me if my sister understood the blowjob jokes....


rikyl January 23 2012, 00:30:17 UTC
That all sounds amazing and surreal. I don't think I will see the movie, but I really enjoyed all your liveblogging last night.

Btw, I hear he's usually shirtless would be a good way to get me to not watch something Rob Lowe is in. Thank goodness Parks has the decency to keep that covered up most of the time.


saucydiva January 23 2012, 02:34:12 UTC
Apparently you are watching a version of Parks where there is more shirtlessness than I get to see? If there's a more naked version, you should probably share it with your friends.

I'm glad people liked the liveblogging! I had no idea if anyone would. And I'm absolutely not recommending the movie. But I'd also be lying if I said I was bored with it.


ballroom_pink January 23 2012, 06:00:24 UTC
What's the John Stamos one?

To bring up Parks casually is my goal at present:
“I was a woman possessed. I spent about 80 percent of my time talking about Parks and Recreation. And the other 20 percent of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring it up so I could talk about it more.”

I was at work when it aired and was following your liveblog and I tried to get a co-worker to rally behind me to at least check it out on TV and it just didn't happen. Still haven't watched it.

I need to move to a hip place like Chicago.


saucydiva January 23 2012, 22:50:40 UTC
I was googling and trying to find the answer to this; I saw a commercial for a JS Lifetime movie before Untouchable but the bar was loud at that point so I couldn't hear what it was called, and I could only find a review of a 2010 JS Lifetime movie, but it was on a website entitled Mother May I Sleep with Lifetime? which is the best title of a Lifetime Movie review website EVER.

Ummm... topic. I bring up Parks with my friends all the damn time, but my friends don't mind (or they do, but who cares) because they know I get excited about things and find it cute (maybe? whatever). With strangers, though, I do try to have a reason to bring it up... and really, Rob Lowe being in a movie we just watched three minutes ago is a better reason than most of the reasons I've used to bring anything up.

Also, should you ever find yourself in Chicago, totally let me know and we'll go shopping for skirts and shoes.


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