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FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) queerly_it_is May 15 2012, 01:21:09 UTC
Part 4Castiel watches John Winchester leave his teenage children in a small town in Indiana. Dean has a façade of disaffectedness now, that colours everything he does, and he wears the interweaving fabrics of Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, and Sloth the way he wears his father’s jacket; as though they were something he could slip off at a whim ( ... )


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) sassy_minimod May 15 2012, 02:00:27 UTC
yay! must be tough for Cas to hold back like that. Tagged! :)


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) queerly_it_is May 15 2012, 23:47:45 UTC
Thank you! Much appreciated! =D


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) romelwen May 15 2012, 17:51:08 UTC
Man, there's something about Castiel's perspective on the brothers story that makes it all even harder to bear. These are facts we already know, but laid out bare to acknowledge like this, they pulverize my heart into pieces. I just wish Castiel or, I don't know, anybody could have intercede for little Sammy. He might be flawed but clearly most of his darker parts come from something he can't even be blamed for. He so didn't deserve any of it. *clings to Sam*


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) queerly_it_is May 15 2012, 23:50:43 UTC
<33 Thank you!

Yeah it's not the best sounding life when you strip it down, despite the good they did, it's that whole 'no place in paradise for the hero who makes it' angle that's always so facinating and painful to see.

Sam really didn't start everything, his mother sold him to a demon before he was born, Dean broke the fist seal, Cas let him outta the panic room, there's a lotta blame that doesn't rest on Sam really, despite how many bad choices and wrong turns he made while Dean was in Hell.

Everybody has a finger in the apocalypse pie.


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) simonejester May 21 2012, 22:27:39 UTC
Castiel wonders at the lack of faith he feels in Dean, the absolute belief that Hell exists and Heaven does not; that demons are real and angels are myth. Castiel is perplexed that this man is the Righteous Man; the one whose actions will influence all Creation, while his condemned brother kneels in the dark and prays to a God that will not answer; clutching his faith to his chest as though it will keep him warm.

Honest to goodness tears here. I've never been a person of faith but this fandom has given me a new respect for and perspective on faith. :)


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) queerly_it_is May 21 2012, 22:37:25 UTC
Aww thanks so much!

I know exactly what you mean; I've never been a religious person, always tending more towards the Buddhist side of things, but SPN really pokes at religion in such a facinating way; turns it over and looks at it sideways. It's one of the things that make these kinds of stories so interesting to read and write, like looking at faith under a microscope.

I'm really glad you're enjoying it! =D


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) simonejester May 21 2012, 22:47:24 UTC
Indeed. And I like the idea of the angels themselves losing faith. And Death reaping God. And the other deities. It makes me wonder how the SPN universe was formed in literal terms (I'm working on my own mythos for that with a never-ending cycle of Big Bang and Big Crunch with "God" and Death being the first life forms and...that's about all I've got so far) since there are other deities that are real, and it makes me wonder about the other afterlives, are there just Heaven, Hell and Purgatory or are the Elysian Fields and Valhalla and so on out there somewhere? I'm a sci-fi reader/writer/watcher by preference but SPN has totally infected my braaaaains.

I sure am enjoying it, and am looking forward to the Sassy of it all. XD


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) queerly_it_is May 21 2012, 22:51:17 UTC
Yeah there's just so many different levels and aspects to it all, very clever stuff.

Haha, the Sassy will show up eventually, I promise. Probably sooner than you'd think. Cas has his final straw, just like the rest of us.


Re: FILL: Someone to Watch Over Me 4/? Sam/Cas (eventual NC-17) simonejester May 22 2012, 03:02:15 UTC
Indeed. I hope some of that stuff gets explained in S8--well, if the writers can get their shit together over the summer. :P

Awesomecakes. :D


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