Over at Tor.com today,
Jo Walton talks about why she likes Georgette Heyer. Interesting discussion and comments.
Though I've
rambled about Heyer and
silver fork novels I still keep trying to figure out why Heyer's more upbeat romances work as well as they do. (The serious ones are really, really awful
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Comments 40
The contemporary ones are out of print and very hard to find, and the one I managed to borrow from inter library loan was unspeakably horrible. I love her historical romance, but there are definitely some attitudes about class in her work that showed up even more strongly in the contemporary stuff I tried. It was not charming.
So I think she must have felt some of that "desperate, almost savage anger" you identify.
I need to look up more by Jelinek.
As for the characters from the lower classes, I find the range of behaviour among them as wide as it is among the upper (and middle-class) ones. The highwayman Jeremy Chirk in The Toll-Gate is rather charming, and one finds plenty of decent farmers, shopkeepers, maids, governesses, middle-class arrivistes and professional men. Heyer did know the difference between low quality of manners and low quality of soul(see Mr Chawleigh in A Civil Contract).
I support the comparison with P G Wodehouse. Heyer wrote first-class escapist fiction.
I read a few of the moderns that had been supressed (most were reprinted after her death, althougb I doubt that they got more than one printing, and that would have been a while ago). Only one of the ones I got hold of would have ever got a reread from me. It didn't strike me as all that bad, and it didn't hurt that the 192os seem nearly as artificial a background as her Regency does, but it wasn't *funny*.
I couldn't figure out why she supressed 'Footsteps in the Dark' though. Sure, it's not great, but it's not much worse than some of the mysteries that she kept in print.
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