The other day I got a letter from someone who wrote to say that they liked something, adding that they usually avoid reading sf and f by women, and so were surprised to discover on reading my website that I'm female. (I always forget that my name doesn't automatically signal female, because it does to me
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This gent was doing his dating at the end of the fifties and early sixties.
I have always been very gender-neutral in my reading habits; I know many male authors who write excellent female characters and female authors who conjure up very vivid males. And of course, the reverse is true too, but usually I drop those authors - of either genders - rather quickly. My patience for gender stereotyping is finite...
I wonder why this happens...could it be that her message is a "okay, been there, this is not new" so the enlightenment factor is not present? Anyway, i seldom finish any of her books, though some of them begn with tremendous pizaz.
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