
Aug 02, 2004 02:32

yah, i know i said that was my last entry. but i had to get one last in. plus i havent gone to bed in 2 days. walked to east today at 6 to watch the sunrise ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

laurbie5 August 2 2004, 17:44:20 UTC
jessica i know you think i don't care but i really do. you're my best friend and you have been for four years now and i hate watching you get hurt and be hurt like this. i know it's going to be hard for you to get up again but don't forget you have us. your friends. and we're all always here for you no matter how early in the morning you need to talk. i love you jessica and i'm sorry for being such a bitch about this.



Everything will be okay anonymous August 3 2004, 07:41:23 UTC
Jessica, everything's going to be all right, guys will come and go in your life. You need to realize you're a beautiful young girl and there will be other guys out there. It might be a while for you to find the right one, but he will be there, I'm 110% sure of it. You're still just 16 years old, you still have a lot to look forward to in life. Like I say during teen years Love is pretty much fake and all bullshit. Just stay strong, you will be okay.


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