First Scene Meme: Star Trek

Aug 09, 2009 16:06

The prompt: McCoy and Kirk, Star Trek movie, "Tell me this is not really happening."
The prompter: yappichick 
The challenge: First scene meme - give me a fandom, two characters, and a first line and I'll write the opening scene of a fic.

Kirk's Surprise )


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Comments 2

yappichick August 10 2009, 15:39:56 UTC
Dude, totally awesome! :D :D I love the interaction between those two crazy kids. You rock, chickie! :D :D


sangate August 11 2009, 12:33:51 UTC
Thanks :D I'm glad you liked it so much :D As I've only seen the movie once, and only scenes of the original show, I was afraid I had captured the characters wrongly. But they did such a great job in the movie that it did kinda stuck, so I'm really happy with your reaction :D Thanks again :D


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