Ficlet: Belief, 1/1, Gen, [PG], Coda for 7X02

Oct 04, 2011 14:14

Ficlet: Belief
Author: sandymg
Beta: borgmama1of5
Summary: Dean has to decide about Castiel's trenchcoat
Spoilers: through S07x02
Wordcount: 786 - One-shot
Genre: Gen, coda for S07X02 Hello Cruel World, angst
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters. 
A/N: Written for spnroundtable Prompt-and-Fill session #10 - Read more... )

fanfic, dean winchester, season 7, coda, gen, angst, castiel, comment fic, sam winchester, author: sandymg

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Comments 25

tmn1966 October 4 2011, 18:37:25 UTC
Oh. Wow. This is so heartbreaking and really very much in character. I wish they’d have put this scene in the Show. It should be there.

This whole thing is so very much Dean but here are some of my favorite things:

It was easier before. Having no faith at all. Sam had it enough for the both of them and Dean was good with that.

And this (I always love your choice of words, your descriptions):

Hell, Sam wrapped that faith around himself like a soft wool blanket for years.

Just never noticed the moth larvae digesting its way through it.


See, it had been easier before. When there were humans and monsters. Dad and Sam. And Mom was a memory of white. It was all the belief he needed.

God, so very much Dean here:

He really wanted to bang the shit out of something. Preferably something dark-haired, blue-eyed, and trench coat wearing.

And I thought this was very much Sam (and I’m so glad you wrote this):

“It’s okay, Cas. I get it. Wish you would’ve … but … I get it. Better than anyone. If you’re out there somewhere. If you can ( ... )


sandymg October 4 2011, 18:40:57 UTC
Thanks so much hon. Everyone is writing coat fic. I tried to keep it close to how I view canon Dean. Still keeping it tightly inside.


borgmama1of5 October 5 2011, 02:11:53 UTC
Perfect! :)


hells_half_acre October 4 2011, 18:43:12 UTC
Aww, this was beautiful, poignant, and heartbreaking. Well done.


sandymg October 4 2011, 18:53:57 UTC
Thanks. Coat fic. It's a genre now I think :) So this was my version of me, too. But ... it's the Dean in my head and he needed to get out.


hells_half_acre October 4 2011, 19:14:52 UTC
I think the Dean in your head is very similar to the Dean in my head. :)


winsangel October 4 2011, 19:06:34 UTC
This was perfect, and just how I would have seen Dean cope with losing Cas. Unfortunately his drinking and pushing it all down is the way he does things.

I think Dean will lose it one day soon though, and I hope he can get it all out once and for all. Losing Cas has got to be the straw that broke the camels back finally.


sandymg October 5 2011, 00:04:17 UTC
Yes. Dean's coping mechanisms aren't much. Not sure we'll see anything get better any time soon though. Thanks for reading.


yohkobennington October 4 2011, 19:23:41 UTC

... )


sandymg October 5 2011, 00:04:49 UTC
**hands over tissue** Thanks for reading.


fourtenpm October 4 2011, 19:46:36 UTC
Humpty-post-fall... I never realized nursery rhymes are so sad, until I started doing them


sandymg October 5 2011, 00:05:39 UTC
They are sad in many ways. And have very old origins from when times were harder and thereby sadder. Thanks for reading!


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