Title: Every Castle is a Hood
Fandom: Hot Fuzz
This postWord Count: 100
Rating: PG, for language.
Warning: all the dialogue is written macro style
“J00 all haz to cum wid me,” Nicholas said.
Frank cocked his head at Nicholas. “Bitch, plz. J00 iz to be cummin’ wid us.”
“All ur base r decimated by uz,” Skinner added.
“O rly?”
“Ja,” said Frank as the rest of the NWA rose to their feet, and Evil!Danny clapped a hand down on Nicholas’ shoulder, “rly.”
“Shitzorz,” said Nicholas, and ran.
He ran and ran, the NWA behind him, until his lungs felt like they were being devoured in a conflagration of betrayal. Conflagration? Nicholas thought, where’d that one come from?
And then he fell down a hole.