Sure I´ll keep my fingers crossed hon. I hope you get the recognision that you should have, be it the new job or that place you work at the moment. It´s good you told your office mate off, she should give you your space and some respect. ♥big hugs
I wish you luck. It's an iffy proposition - I stayed in a shitty position for the benefits and saw my bastard boss escorted out by security with some very un-Christian satisfaction.
You must do what your heart feels is right for you. If you can go to a new position that will be great. The confrontation with management can't hurt. Who knows? At the very least you may end up in another section where the witch doesn't have to see you.
I don't hate my boss. It's just that he's a pushover. There are two units in the department, and the other one has most of his attention. We did put the cabinets up as dividers so now we see as little of each other as possible *g*
Comments 8
I hope you get the recognision that you should have, be it the new job or that place you work at the moment.
It´s good you told your office mate off, she should give you your space and some respect.
♥big hugs
*hugs back*
*hugs back*
You must do what your heart feels is right for you. If you can go to a new position that will be great. The confrontation with management can't hurt. Who knows? At the very least you may end up in another section where the witch doesn't have to see you.
We did put the cabinets up as dividers so now we see as little of each other as possible *g*
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