All right, lovelies. Loyal faithful. Chosen minions of the Sammessiah and holders of the one Truth. Here it is, the dramatic moment you've all been waiting for. This is
the Demon Jesus 100 Flash Fanworks-athon Master List.
I could ramble excessively about how fantastic this all is, but y'all already know I think you're terrific. So I'll get on to the fanworks quick-like instead. (This post will be linked from the profile page, for to better share the blasphemy).
Arts, Picspam, and Other Things That Aren't Fic
Title: Cower in Fear
chalPrompt/Summary: Moving icon. "Cower in fear, for the antichrist awakes!" Sammy has a spoon.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, G
Link: (
Click for icon)
Title: Demon Jesus vs. Raptor Jesus
ifyouwereminePrompt/Summary: Manip, audio and fic. Total crack, and it's almost the end of the world.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, PG-13
Link: (
Click for crack)
Title: If I Had a Hammer
dreamlittleyoPrompt/Summary: Art. Sam is a Carpenter. An evil carpenter. (A demonic evil carpenter at that)
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, G
Link: (
Click for crack)
Title: The Last Part of Sam's Shorter Catechism
heartfelt_angelPrompt/Summary: Art. Sam argues over the exact catechism of his new religion.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam & Dean, G
Link: (
Click for catechism)
Title: Sam Winchester is the Antichrist: The Proof
longhairedladyPrompt/Summary: Picspam. Luckily, while in prison, Gordon Jehosephat Walker was able to compile his extensive collection of surveillance photographs.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, Dean, Gordon, PG-13
Link: (
Click for picspam)
Title: Sistine Chapel v. 666 or The Creation of Sammessiah
winchesterxgirlPrompt/Summary: Art. The Sammessiah version of the Creation of Adam by Buonarotti.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, Dean, YED, Ava; NC-17 for anatomy
Link: (
Click for manip)
The Blasphemy Continues: Things that Are Fic
Title: All's Fair in Love and War
smallcapsPrompt/Summary: Dean pushes Sam too far, and Sam is determined to put him in his place. Dub/non-con warnings.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, Dean/demons, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: And that is dying
tigriswolfPrompt/Summary: The end of the big battle, and Heaven's won. Whose side is Dean on?
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, PG
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Billy Goat's Muff
longhairedladyPrompt/Summary: The prompt was Sam was Azazel's favourite not because of his training, but rather because Sam shares his… fascination… concerning the members of the species Capra aegagrus. Sam fancies goats. He angsts about it. A lot.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: unrequited Sam/goats, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Book Your Seat
smallcapsPrompt/Summary: Sam and Dean have sex in Hell. Sam has a throne.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Circadia (WIP)
bowtruncklePrompt/Summary: It's almost like Sam's dead all over again. Only this time there isn't a deal that can undo what he's done.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, Dean, Bobby; R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Cower in Fear
dreamlittleyo &
longhairedladyPrompt/Summary: Sam is the Antichrist, but Dean still pranks the hell out of him. Goes lovingly with
Chal's icon.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam & Dean, PG
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Deus Mortuus Est
maryaminxPrompt/Summary: We learn in Houses of the Holy that Sam prays every day. Now that he knows his destiny, does he still pray? And if he does, who does he pray to?
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean (dub-con), R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Eternity
jelloh0530Prompt/Summary: Dean is a priest. Sam is evil, and when he shows up for Confession one Sunday, Dean doesn't see it coming.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, Bobby, R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Halo for a Boy King
wingwyrmPrompt/Summary: Sam gets a halo. Hilarity ensues.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam & Dean, gen, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: How Much is that Hell Hound in the Window
moonfairyhimePrompt/Summary: Sam is unexpectedly able to stop the crossroads demon from collecting Dean's soul because her hellhounds are more interested in obeying/adoring/getting belly-rubs from Sam than her.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam & Dean, PG
Link: (
Click for fic)
The Five People Sam Introduced His New Pets To Title: If It Be Your Will
lexalotPrompt/Summary: Dean shall abide Hell's Boy King. (non-con and violence warnings)
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Dean/Sam, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: I Just Don't Want to be Free
blincolinPrompt/Summary: The psychic powers are pretty cool once he gets the hang of them. The physical manifestations, on the other hand, are a little more annoying. But Sam is willing to do anything, put up with anything, become anything, because he doesn't want to be free of Dean.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Imagine
afrocurlPrompt/Summary: Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam (Dean & Ruby mentions), R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: In Drowning Waves
liathPrompt/Summary: I'm Your Man, by Leonard Cohen.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: inherit the kingdom
tigriswolfPrompt/Summary: Sam is the Antichrist, right? It's something you're born with, in the genes. And Dean shares 50% of those genes...
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Dean/Sam, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Kinesis
rivers_bendPrompt/Summary: Telekinetic bondage. Sam's powers and sex.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, Ruby; Adult
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: The Last Supper
sophie_448Prompt/Summary: Based very closely on "The Last Supper." Sam is the demon Jesus, Dean is Judas and Ruby cameos as Peter. (Sam Winchester Superstar)
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, Dean, Ruby; R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: A Little Horny
smallcapsPrompt/Summary: Crack!AU teen antichrist Sammy has horns and a tail... and a hammer! Dean keeps his hands to himself. Barely. (Accompanies
this picture).
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Master of Puppies
shadowc44Prompt/Summary: Sam has a new fan club, which proves oddly helpful in saving Dean.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Not Just These Shadows
zillah975Prompt/Summary: Everyone knew Dean was going to Hell, and they knew why. Everyone knows Sam will try to get him back, but what happens next isn't what any of them would've expected. While Bobby and Ellen search for a way to avert the apocalypse, Sam and Dean don't realize they're on the verge of triggering it. And when you're dealing with gods and evils, things are never quite what they seem.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, Bobby, Ellen; Adult
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Prodigal
smallcapsPrompt/Summary: John's 'retirement' is interrupted by a call from someone he wouldn't have expected to hear from... the Boy King of Hell.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: John, Sam/Dean, PG
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Sign Here
sadelyratePrompt/Summary: In the style of the Christian fish, some kind of sign Sam's followers use to recognize each other (with or without his knowledge).
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, G
Links: (
Click for fic)
Title: Sign!verse
sadelyratePrompt/Summary: (Continues from
Sign Here).
Signed Over (
Click for fic)
Signing Up (
Click for fic)
Sign of the Times (
Click for fic)
Signed On (
Click for fic)
Title: strip away the myth from the man
tigriswolfPrompt/Summary: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Lucifer/Pride, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: They Say
tigriswolfPrompt/Summary: They build Sam's throne in Golgotha, among the bones. (dark future!fic)
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam, R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Through the Looking Glass
smallcapsPrompt/Summary: Dean winds up in "the" mirror universe.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, NC-17
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Until These Shadows Disappear
liathPrompt/Summary: Sam embraces fate -- AU after the end of S2.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, R
Link: (
Click for fic)
Title: Where They Found the Last Ones Standing
digitalized_Prompt/Summary: A video on YouTube reminded him of someone.
Chars/Pairing/Rating: Sam and Stanford friends, PG-13
Link: (
Click for fic)