Mar 23, 2010 08:04

What are koubu?
In short, they’re robots. To give a little more background, they are robots that are controlled with spiritual powers to fight off demons. Originally, they were powered by steam, but the mechanics behind them have been improving over the years. While they can be controlled with modern day robotics, spirit energy is still needed to make them effective weapons against demons. Think of Sakura Taisen as being Gundam Wing if it was more girly and if there were musical numbers after big fight scenes. They’re like smaller Gundams that need spiritual power to move them.

Here are a few images of what koubu look like.

How big are the koubu?
Here are a couple of screenshots. Koubu are rather small in comparison to robots in most other robot fighting anime (like Gundam Wing for example). Most koubu pilots will be about as tall as one koubu leg or a little shorter. They're about the same height as a trolley car, give or take a few inches. As more images become available, they'll be added to make things clearer.

What do uniforms look like?
Here are a couple of pictures of the uniforms from the series.

If this is modern times, am I allowed to play a character from the original series?
Yes! Some of the characters are already making a comeback. There’ll have to be changes to the characters, of course. The history will be different from the original series, as the current teams are starting from scratch.

What if I don’t know Sakura Taisen? Will this hurt me?
Nope! Sadly, the Sakura Taisen fandom is tiny outside of Japan, so this game would have little activity if that was a rule. This is why I decided to make it multifandom and original characters. So, please, do not be put off by a lack of familiarity with the fandom! If you have any questions, mods will always be there to answer.

In the original, it was all-women teams with a guy leading them. Why change it?
Honestly, it's to get people involved. Keeping the original format would alienate possible players.

If my character lives in Russia, can they meet up with someone from Japan's team?
They can, but keep in mind one has to travel. All characters can communicate via the intranet, but characters can only meet in person if they’re in the same place. You can't have a Russian team member randomly showing up in France with no explanation. Luckily, the Imperial Capital Defense Program offers free travel to group members, as long as they don’t abuse the privilege. The only way to abuse these privileges is that you start slacking off on your duties in the theater and battlefield. Your free time is all yours. If you do start neglecting your duties, expect IC consequences. Then again, that might be what you're after!

What if my character starts off on, for example’s sake, the French team and then wants to transfer to Russia? Will this be allowed?
Yes, but they must petition for it. (In other words, you need to message/e-mail the mods.) Keep in mind, if it gets out of hand, there will be a cap or temporary ban. After the mods send you the okay, you need to make it part of the plotline. All this means is that you must present a reason for leaving IC. The IC reason can even be "I'm just sick of being in [insert country] and need a change of scenery.” You don’t have to worry about it being deep and super meaningful to the character. You also need to make an IC journal post to let your teammates know.

The main goal is to avoid surprises when it’d be weird if no one knew they were leaving a team, including the higher ups. It's doubtful anyone will be denied. Despite the fact we don't anticipate any problems, mods reserve the right to deny players to right to switch teams.

Does my character have to be a fighter?
No. They can be members of the Imperial Capital Defense Program in other ways. You are allowed to change your mind later on down the road. All the characters will be allowed to join the fighting teams. All you have to do is message the mods about the change and then make an IC journal post. Once the mods tell you they're aware of what you're doing, you can move forward.

If my character doesn't fight, what can they do?
There are plenty of options for them.
1. You can work as back up to the fighting teams. This can mean you act as a nurse or doctor for the fighters.

2. You can work in the offices of the Imperial Capital Defense Program. This can range from doing paperwork to research to improving koubu mechanics. You can be creative with this. You could easily work in human resources for the company or even work as a demon researcher.

3. You could work inside of the theater of your choice. You can sell tickets or work as a vendor within the theater. In the theaters, there are also small restaurants that need a waitstaff, bartenders and chefs. You could also be a talent scout!

However, you cannot be a high ranking position like commanding general. We don't do this to be mean, but to keep everything uniform and under control. So, you may have a position of power, but your character can never outrank mod rule. If you would like to be under our direct command, you would have to contact us first and discuss it. If you do something that goes against what we've said, we will warn you first. If you continue to try to overrule mods, we will boot you. If you want your disobedience to be part of a plot, you must okay it with the mods first. If you make it part of a plot, you must understand that your character will be punished ICly, even if the disobedience works out for the best.

What if I pick a canon character who can’t sing or act and has no talent?
Depending on how bad they are, they could still be worked in. They could even be left doing the goofy comedy routines. Or, if you still want to be part of the fighting team, you can alter that part of canon. If you’re okay with not being part of the fighting, you can work the ticket booth or something in the theater. If you don’t feel comfortable altering the canon and still want them to fight, we’ll work it into the plot! How the situation is handled is completely up to the player. All that’s asked is that you let the mods know. And, if you involve others in your plan, get their permission first.

Is my character allowed to have NO experience in the theatre arts and learn it as the game goes on?
Yes, they may! It could lead to some fun RP times. Not everyone who is recruited has a theatre background even in Sakura Taisen canon. The only thing the organization searches for is the ability to pilot koubu. They're willing to train people in the theatrical arts to get the job done.

Why is the musical portion so important? Why do fighters have to do it?
It's because the fighters use spiritual energy. It is believed that song and dance are direct links to the spirit. It's also not unusual for cultures to use dance and song being used to ward off evil spirits or appease them. For the fighters, it's food for the soul.

If my character isn't a fighter, are they allowed to be in plays?
Sure! I don't see why not. We'll try to make it so everyone has a chance to join in.

Can I decide when a demon attacks?
Unfortunately, the answer to that is not really. The mods will decide when attacks take place. If you have a plot idea that would involve a demon attack, please discuss it with the mods. We might be able to work something out. Please, never be afraid to ask us anything!

Can I petition to start a new assault force?
Sure. The mods reserve the right to not approve it. Please, hold off on creating a team until you can gather a group of people interested in joining it. With permission from mods, you can advertise the new possible team in the OOC community. If you try to create a team for a country that already has one, the answer will be, sadly, no.

What can I do if my character is on a team with no other PCs? Can I still interact outside of the journals?
Well, it'll be a little more difficult, but there are other ways to interact with others outside of the journals. The Imperial Capital Defense Program offers free travel to members, so your character would be allowed to travel and visit others at her/his leisure. You can also ask a character on another team to help you as your training partner. (It would sort of be like when a cook travels to France to train under a great chef.) Your character could go to them or that character could come to your character. That'll all depend on the players/characters involved. And, until more members accumulate on your team of choice, you will have the option of joining battles with other teams to get in on the action. You won't be forced to, but you have the option. Adjustments will be made to help make the gaming experience more pleasurable for players.

If my character is on, for example, the China team do they have to be Chinese?
No, they can be from anywhere. People of all backgrounds can be on any of the teams. It simply means that’s where the team is located. It does mean that most of the team members are most likely going to be from that country though. They could also be born and raised in a country while descending from another. What I mean by that is, you could be of Chinese descent, but have been born and raised in France. If the character isn't originally from that country, keep in mind how it might play out for them. Have they lived there a long time or is culture shock setting in? Do they know the language spoken there? Have fun with it!

What if the canon character isn't from a country? What if they're from a make believe place/another world/planet instead?
You might have to fake this part. Is the country/place/planet they're from have any resemblance to an existing place? If so, you can substitute! If you're really dead set against switching where they live, you can try petitioning for a made up country somewhere. No one gets to be from outer space. However, if you go this route, be prepared to decide where it's located, language and everything else. You could also transform an entire planet/world into a city in an existing country.

How do I "petition" for a new country?
Oh, it's pretty simple. Just write it in the "Place of Origin" slot of your application. You should add where it is located, the language(s) spoken in that country, type of government and capital. (The character does not have to be from the capital of the made up country.) This information is important for three reasons.
1. It shows you put a little thought into it if canon didn't provide this information or, if canon did, it shows you were listening.
2. People should probably be able to talk about your country, especially the higher ups. It'd be weird if no one knew a few basic facts about your character's country, including the people who had to track you down. Berlin, Germany is easy to google, but a made up country, if based on some canon, will require digging. Sadly, the mods don’t always have time to do that digging.
3. In complete honesty, it’s to keep information from being made up on the fly. It’ll make it easier for everyone to remember so it stays consistent, too.
If you want to get more detailed, feel free! If you do get more detailed, you don't have to put it all on your application.

Can I create a new city/district in a place that already exists?
Sure! Just mention where it's located so everyone knows. Like, if it's in Tennessee, mention if it's near Memphis or some other city. Stuff like that.

What if my character doesn't have a background/past/origin?
You can do one of two things.
1. Keep it that way. All you have to do is mention that they have a mysterious past and talk about how the Imperial Capital Defense Program found them. You can talk about them being an enigma and avoid all that. I'd be more specific, but this would vary from character to character.

2. Make shit right the hell up. Really, I'm open to this as long as it works to some extent. Feel free to explain your reasoning behind choices. It might even be fun to see how creative people get while staying in-character. Don't feel pressured to do this if you don't feel comfortable enough though.

Why do I have to explain the sexuality part? What if the series my character is from gives possible hints? Does it have to be proven?
There doesn't have to be concrete evidence, no. You don't always find for-sure evidence in all shows anyway. Applicants are asked to explain this to keep people from going hogwild or ignoring all canon to do whatever they want. This isn't as strict as it may sound. It's all about making sure it was thought out. You don't have to worry about sending proof either. It's about making sure you're thinking about it and not just slapping whatever you want together. Sadly, this is an aspect that has been abused in ways that have made other players uncomfortable in other games. There are other problematic areas to consider as well. It's a chance to nip certain problems in the bud.

In order to give an example, let's look at Sakura Taisen itself. In the games, the character you play (a male) can romance any of the girls. This means that it would be very unlikely if the girls, or the main male, were 100% gay. However, bisexuality or pansexuality are not out of the question. You can base your argument on things that happen in the games, manga or anime/OVAs. You can also use the fact that the concept is very similar and, more than likely, based on the Takarazuka Revue. The Takarazuka Revue is an all woman theater troupe that isn't exactly a stranger to homosexuality. And, in Sakura Taisen V, the main male may have hints he's not entirely straight. How you interpret this can, of course, be argued. I won't go into details to avoid spoilers. :)

In other words, if the character has a canon het pairing, there might be an issues with labeling them as gay. You could argue for them being gay, except for that one hetero pairing they had. I know sexuality gets sticky in reality. In other words, there are not strict rules. It's all about making sure it's well thought out and nothing unwanted will be thrust upon other players. Remember, nothing wrong with having asexual characters, too. Never be nervous about what you pick.

Is there a minimum age requirement for characters?
Yes, there is. However, it's pretty low. The youngest koubu pilot in the Sakura Taisen franchise was, I believe, Coquelicot. She was a 9-years-old Vietnamese girl from the Paris troupe. So, as of right now, 9 is the lowest you can go. Keep in mind, if your character is 9? Yeah, no sexy times for them. That's reserved for the older characters. If you start having a 9-year-old trying to sex up people, you'll be booted. This goes for people trying to sex up the 9-year-olds as well. If you're into shota/loli, you'll have to go look to other RP games for your fix.

How do characters become part of the Imperial Capital Defense Program?
Recruiting can happen in one of three ways.
1.) They had connections and got in through those. (Like if they have a friend or family member that helps bring them in.)
2.) The organization finds them. You can decide how they find your character.
3.) They can come to the organization, but they won't know about the connection to the theater. Or, in some cases, won't know that auditioning at the theater could get them jobs as koubu pilots.

In this game, people know koubu and such exist, but don't really know who the pilots are. So, most people don't know about the theater's connection to the organization.

Where do these guys live?
Each team has their own housing. Your character will, ideally, live with their team in one house. They'll have a private room though. If they ever share their room, it will be because they want to. It's free, too! Well, free if you don't count the whole fighting demons in exchange for staying there. If you want to have your character live outside of the housing facility, please contact the mods. There’s no rule against it, but people need to know. The organization will pay for the apartment or small house for them.

The housing is pretty spacious and luxurious. It's a pretty nice thank you for defending the world. Apartments or smaller houses, however, may vary based on location. The housing for teams are basically mansions that have private koubu training areas on the grounds. If you live in an apartment/separate house, you have to commute to the training grounds. It will also not be nearly as large as the mansion.

What do I do if my character has two different names? Like in Sakura Taisen V, Plum Spaniel is called Cherry Cocker in the English release.
If this happens, you can pick which name you prefer. It's all about what you, the player, wants.

What if there is more than one canon for the character I pick?
In the case of different incarnations of the same storyline, you can pick whichever version you know best. If there are other players in the game playing characters from what you've chosen, you'll need to message them to figure out what works best for all of you. It'll be up to the player, or players, how they want to go about dealing with it.

When it comes to a show/movie that has been edited for a dub, like Cardcaptor Sakura or Yu-Gi-Oh, it would probably be best to stick with the original language canon. If you only know the dub, or prefer it, you can go ahead and use it! This suggestion is mainly because the original canon will, most likely, be the most popular with fellow fans who might play. If there are already players here from the series/movie, you should message them first about how you plan to play the character of your choice.

Mods will help whenever possible.

Can I RP disturbing themes?
Due to past RP issues, this needs to be specifically addressed. Yes, you may, but you must do so maturely, wisely and respectfully. You must expect realistic reactions and consequences. I have seen games become personal rape fantasies, and that will not happen in this game. Every dark/disturbing theme needs to be discussed with mods/players involved before played out. Now, if your character is a drug addict or some such in canon, this is fine. However, character doing disturbing things will have a close eye kept on them. Do it in a way that is respectful to everyone else.

If you have any questions you don't see here, you can send an LJ message to sakurataimods or comment on this entry.

game info, faq

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