Title: Brand New Colony Author: sagetan Fandom: SPN RPF Pairing(s): Jared/Gen Word count: 2k Rating: PG, no warnings Summary: Jared and Genevieve enter a marriage of convenience, in space.
THIS IS THE BEST THING. I have just reread, and it's just so sweet in a non-saccharine way, these glimpses of a relationship in the making. They're both so unsure around each other, but they also clearly both like each other, even though they can't figure out how to express it so as to not alarm the other person.
She says in a tiny voice, "I request a hug."
FAVORITE LINE. For the record, I am pretty sure I have made precisely this request in the past, and I know my sister has, so this line had a jolt of unexpected familiarity for me. And then fluffy blanket hugs!
So happy, this makes. I just want to snuggle it. Like a blanket.
I'm so glad you liked it! I was a little anxious, haha. It's probably gonna take some time before they're really used to each other and can deal with the weirdness of having a big embarrassing crush on one's spouse, but they make it through okay.
Also, yay for the serendipitous line :) I think I picked that up from my very huggy high school friend group, haha.
Loved the world-building here, and that you left it exactly where you did. Funny how leaving the future to the readers' imagination is sometimes the perfect decision.
Comments 6
She says in a tiny voice, "I request a hug."
FAVORITE LINE. For the record, I am pretty sure I have made precisely this request in the past, and I know my sister has, so this line had a jolt of unexpected familiarity for me. And then fluffy blanket hugs!
So happy, this makes. I just want to snuggle it. Like a blanket.
Also, yay for the serendipitous line :) I think I picked that up from my very huggy high school friend group, haha.
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