...string-a-ling ding

Nov 27, 2006 10:03

You know the part in Tetris where everything becomes so fast you just cannot beat the level? That is how my life feels right now. Everything seems to be moving way too fast and i can't really control it. i am just rolling with the tide ( Read more... )

vegetarianism, christie espinosa, 2006

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sadpenguin November 28 2006, 00:20:25 UTC
that is what i meant. People dont know it was a japanese cartoon. I used to get a lot of people at hot topic that would buy a band shirt and not even know it was a band. So they are walking around advertising a band they dont even know about. it bugs me


poisongirl20 December 5 2006, 14:22:20 UTC

I used to get that all the time, but on a reagular, anytime people found out that I didn't eat meet, they would get this crazy look of surprise and ask me "what do you eat then"
kinda wanna knock em out at that point.


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