In 8 weeks,

Apr 19, 2006 18:56

I shall no longer be a student. I shall be a professional.

And still make $8.00/hr.

How utterly lame.

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Comments 3

thehappyemo July 22 2006, 21:47:51 UTC
I've made more money doing things I didn't learn about in school than I did with the knowledge.


ryark July 22 2006, 22:15:16 UTC
Well actually I started at $8.75/hr and should get raises every 6-12 months. But I really loving being a vet assistant, so esta bien. I'm a happy grommet, in this case.


ryark July 22 2006, 22:16:17 UTC
err.. *I'm* really loving... Stupid brain can't keep up with my fingers


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