
Feb 06, 2005 12:31

Welcome to the first writing round of RP Hurts My Brain!

We have 120 pairings waiting for you - het, slash, and femmeslash. I can guarantee you that this list will hurt someone's brain - it hurt mine. X_X


1. Call dibs on two pairings only - If someone calls dibs on that pairing, no one else can write it until they're done. Also, you're ( Read more... )

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Comments 52

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divabat April 24 2005, 07:20:27 UTC
Reminder of the deadline for the second fic. Thanks for completing #9 :)


sanestlunatic February 6 2005, 04:50:25 UTC
I'm not taking it, but in case you were wondering, Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter (no. 110) is named Mary. XD


divabat February 6 2005, 04:53:53 UTC
Ah thank you! The person who nominated her wrote it as such and I was thinking, "Hmm, what was her name again? Chastity? Oh wait, that's Cher's daughter. Damn..."


Not calling dibs on anything, but ... apocalypsos February 6 2005, 04:54:16 UTC
97. Frederich Nietzche/Donald Rumsfeld

*dies* That's so very, very wrong, it's right. Or something. *toddles off to scrub eyes with Brillo*


salpal February 6 2005, 04:54:55 UTC
I'm calling dibs on 21. Scarlett Johanson/Tom Brokaw.

Wow. Some of these pairings work so well and others make my head explode.

I may come back for 45. Aaron Burr/Amy Sedaris if I can think of a way to make it work. If anyone else can do it, though, feel free to sign up for it.


divabat April 24 2005, 07:21:00 UTC
Reminder of the deadline :)


tatooine February 6 2005, 05:19:46 UTC
13. Ali Al-Sistani/David Bowie -- please someone write it.
79. Gwen Stefani/Alexander Hamilton -- bwahaha.


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