am I the only one?

Apr 04, 2010 16:20

the new DW season... very minimal spoilers ... under the cut

emotional reaction is emotional )

my imaginary friends, doctor who

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Comments 10

eumelia April 4 2010, 20:30:45 UTC
I miss Jack.

I'm still irked about Donna's treatment. She'll always be my favourite.

I cried.


rose71 April 4 2010, 20:38:00 UTC
Oh, Jack! And oh, Donna! She totally got the short end of the stick, and End of Time made it even worse. Lottery tickets?!

My favorite is still Rose from S1, before she was put into a more conventional "girl in love with the Doctor" role in S2.

I cried.
Happy relief tears, or sad tears?


eumelia April 4 2010, 20:43:48 UTC
I cried right at the end when Amy entered the new TARDIS... I dunno if they were happy or sad, it was just a burst of emotion. Like a realisation that the TARDIS wasn't going to be the same again, that where we get to be with the Doctor is different.

I sobbed when Ten said "I don't want to go" and the TARDIS began to burn. I have a thing about the relationship between the TARDIS and the Doctor... it's as much a character as the Doctor...

It's hard to explain.


kalichan April 4 2010, 20:44:07 UTC
Oh, man, yeah, what you say about elective families... so true, and so important. It was sort of missing here, yes. But I hope that it will... I don't know, come back? Although I think you're right in that the Moff is about singular connections, whereas Rusty was always writing stories about family.

I have hope for Amy though, just because I see her as the first -- creative person in new Who's TARDIS... and I'm looking forward (hopefully) to seeing more of that; I appreciated Rusty's triumph of ordinaryness (Rose, Ianto, Donna, Gwen etc...) but I'm actually interested in extraordinariness too. We'll see what happens though!

Also re: whoniverse -- there's still fanfic. ;-) I'm (hah) writing an children of time who story myself.

I'm sorry you're feeling sick *hugs*

I am totally your companion in misery; I haven't even looked at my stack of papers-to-grade or my course-description-for-next-semester-that-has-to-be-in-by-tomorrow as am still well and truly mired in the depths of dissertation hell. At least you are Getting Stuff Done.


paulamcg April 4 2010, 21:15:38 UTC
((hugs)) I hope you’ll be feeling better soon. And have another sunny day, a happier one, a happy birthday! I hope it’s all right I seem to be a bit early: the fifth has begun where I am.

And I hope it’s all right I’m commenting even though I know nothing about Doctor Who (or any other TV show my f-list writes about). I’m glad that (due to your birthday, and so glad to see you around) I ended up reading your post. This just really touched me: For me, there's something so important about elective families and close-knit communities ... --where the most unexpected people, from multiple plots and many different social positions, come together to form their own surprising community in the midst of an otherwise hostile world. I trust you’ll still find that in fanfic based on the earlier DW, in other fic and in life.


rose71 April 5 2010, 05:23:56 UTC
Thanks for the birthday wishes! *hugs back* It's lovely to get an early birthday treat from you, in another time zone. International connections are such a great thing about LJ.

And thanks for reading a post about an unknown TV fandom! I'm glad that my post about communities and connections resonated for you anyway. The ideal of elective family is something I love about HP, too--especially in OotP. And I am lucky to have such connections in real life. Yet I find that I somehow need them in fiction too! But, yes, fanfic will always provide.

Hope you're doing well! It's great to see you again--I've been a bit removed from the HP fan community (speaking of community!) since I fell in love with Doctor Who fic.


paulamcg April 5 2010, 07:57:39 UTC
What you say makes me understand ever better how much I’ve needed the connections and communities I’ve allowed my Remus to form, and how much it meant that (in more than one sense) I could share such experiences in the HP fan community. Now the story’s been told, and I’ve missed my connections. I could be doing better. Thank you! I trust you feel happily in love on your birthday.


liseuse April 4 2010, 22:35:21 UTC
I miss the old Companions. I do. I want Martha (especially) back on my screen. I want her back in my life. I want Donna and her mix of cynicism and idealism back. I really did enjoy the unexpected and glorious combinations of characters that we saw - and here, my academic field comes into play, because I really saw them as the ensemble cast for a Jacobean play with intrigue and family upset and revenge and despair - because they were so human and real.

That said, I have high hopes for Amy Pond. I liked how angry she was with the Doctor, and how she thought she would, and did, lie to him. Play him at his own game. I liked how she had friendships and relationships outside her family, that we saw her interact with people who were not related to her and who were not the Doctor. I also think that, maybe, her prior knowledge of the Doctor might bring another element to the Doctor/Companion relationship. She's been let down by him before, even if she claims to be over it, so maybe she won't stand for him and his waverings as much as some ( ... )


onehundredmoons April 4 2010, 23:29:41 UTC
Hmm, you're the first person on my flist who hasn't responded well to Amy. I liked her, but wasn't without my reservations. "The girl who waited" kind of had a bit of a battered woman vibe for me - like she just kept going back to him even though he had a consistent pattern of letting her down/hurting her. BUT I could be totally looking into that too closely. Is this what hanging out with hip fandom intellectuals has done to me? *g*

I also didn't love the wedding twist at the end. Meh. We've already seen the Doctor-As-Relationship-Wrecker card before.

But all in all, I really did enjoy the episode and the trailer especially looked fantastic. So I'm feeling a bit more excited than you are, I think. TBH I didn't miss the other characters. Perhaps that's because it always irked me a bit when Rose/Mickey/Jackie/Sarah Jane/Jack kept showing up for season finales! Is that weird? *looks sketchy*


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