Summary: Shusei's the perfect host and Hotsuma's the perfect person to ruin everything for him.
Notes: Host AU.
Chapter 1Word Count: 6,920
Excerpt: "It’s a low price to pay for compliments and companionship-to feel loved and needed in a city that can sometimes be so cruel and lonely."
Chapter 2Word Count: 9,050
Excerpt: "Those words were as dangerous as the person who spoke them."
Chapter 3Word Count: 6,200
Excerpt: "He’s got a buzz from all the liquor but he’s walking straight and he’s seeing clearly-and each step he takes somehow undoubtedly takes him one step further."
Chapter 4Word Count: 6,058
Excerpt: "Almost without his notice, without any distinct single moment or occasion, Hotsuma had become his everything."
Chapter 5Word Count: 6,282
Excerpt: "Today he won’t be Shusei Usui, the number one host of the New World host bar-today he’s just Shusei Usui."
Chapter 6Word Count: 4,094
Excerpt: "Even though he’s walking and he’s moving and the blood is pumping in his chest he can’t shake this feeling that something is wrong. He can’t get rid of the feeling because-because wasn’t there something off in Shusei’s voice?"
Chapter 7Word Count: 4,386
Excerpt: "Shusei would do anything to shield Hotsuma from the darkness of the world that surrounds him-anything."
Chapter 8Word Count: 3,483
Excerpt: "Shusei felt the blood rushing against his eardrums, pounding away at the insides of his head."
Chapter 9Word Count: 4,927
Excerpt: "Through the veil of brown hair that he’s hidden behind, Shusei let Hotsuma’s fingers guide his gaze upward."