I Suck At Costume Designing

Apr 30, 2011 03:40

► God I suck at costume designs. Now I have my main superheroine Utopia, and the secondary characters I work on for my Bush League team, but for some time now I've wanted to create another stand alone character. A few months ago I finally hit on an idea combining an older abandoned character idea of mine (Vulcana, Daughter of Hephaestus and Aphrodite), and using superficial elements of Wonder Woman and Thor. The reasoning I had was that I wanted to create my own take on a Ms. Marvel/Power Girl type. The new character is still named Vulcana, but deciding to just go for the gusto her superheroine identity is Thunderlips. Oh, and I decided to give her a sidekick in my even older character Bushgirl.

Yes, Thunderlips and Bushgirl. Because that's how I roll.

Sadly, in 2 months my micro designs for the costumes have been nothing but crap. Ugh. I just can not get any traction on this. Mostly, I think, because I don't have any real clear visual idea other than a couple of shamelessly bottomless superheroines. All I know for sure is I want Thunderlips to have very minimal clothing (breasts covered) but I can't get any further along than the notion of somehow blending the Spartan soldiers in the movie 300 with He-Man characters, but as a traditional superhero look. I'm all over the place, and to be honest I probably should just drop this and move on to something else. After all, I'm not creating these characters for actual publication, but simply as a fun mental exercise, for the sake of creating them and to have "my own" superheroes.

And yes, I do just stop and think "god I'm perverted."

So Who Wants to See Megan Fox Look Like a Bird Hooker? - Well, when you put it that way...

≤15%: a bunch of shitty tips - A 20 year old guy in Brooklyn, New York, working two jobs, started this Tumblr blog to shame all the businesses, film and television productions, and private citizens who constantly give him awful tips. Including posting names and addresses of the guilty. I wonder how long it'll be before this gets shut down.

Action Comics #1 cover recreation by Budd Root - **Warning, contains boobies** Cavewoman creator and artist Budd Root's commissioned recreation, with Cavewoman herself standing in for Superman. Along with a Tyrannosaurus Rex instead of the cliff face, and scattering Velociraptors instead of panicking criminals, this is pure awesome. The original cover.

Budd's on my fantasy "if I win the lottery" commission wishlist.

Princess Beatrice's Royal Wedding Hat: Birth of a Meme - Evidently, the highlight of yesterday's Royal Wedding.

Cracked.com: 5 Trends You Think Are Ruining Movies (Are Older Than Film) - Because nothing is original, not even complaints.

Thieves steal sign marking Superman’s Cleveland birthplace - You can make your own Lex Luthor joke. I'm done for the night.

Quote of the Moment

Zev Bellringer: What kind of robot are you?
790: I am a robot that wants to live in your underpants.
- Lexx (1997 - 2002)

money, royals, wonder woman, superman, redheads, superheroes, crime, hats, superheroines, cavewoman, megan fox, my characters, cracked, ms marvel, movies, internet, business, blogs, costumes, power girl, micro heroes, mythology, thor, full bush, artists

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